Ache // Twenty-Three

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Evie languidly ran her hands through his hair and her nails over his shoulders as he was curled up in her breasts. Cade was still happily lavishing them with kisses and nips, still seated deep within her aching sex. They were still panting, bodies glistening with exertion.

He finally withdrew from her, cringing as she winced and tensed.

"Fuck me," he muttered, looking down at their bodies. Evie turned on the lamp to her side and saw what he was addressing. She stopped Cade before he could put one of his hands on the comforter.

Blood. A good bit. Cade looked sick with himself, any sexual stirrings in his shaft completely gone. It was on one of his hands and her panties which were still pulled to the side. His sheathed member was also covered in it. "I hurt you this badly?" He asked, fear flickering over his features.

She couldn't exactly refute his question. Her mouth twisted. "I'm okay." She murmured, correcting her underwear.

"But, I did everything I could," he looked down at his stained fingers. "Sunshine, you should have told me I was hurting you. We could've waited, I-"

She shook her head, cutting him off. "Caden, you were perfect," He looked up at her. "Careful and sweet. That's all a girl can ask for. Nobody actually knows how to have sex with a virgin." She traced a tattoo on his chest. "Plus, I came twice..."

That seemed to quell his fears. He got off the bed and threw away the used condom. Evie stretched, feeling sore.

"I'll order something quick for dinner and we can take a shower until the delivery guy gets here." Cade mumbled, mostly to his phone.

"You can get pizza." Evie told him, swinging her legs out of bed. Her legs still felt like jelly. Something down there ached, felt almost stinging.

"Pizza it is." Cade responded, filling out an order online. They bantered briefly back and forth about what kind, then it was decided that one could never have too much pizza. He finished up the order and snatched his jeans off the floor, putting them on but leaving the fly undone.

She tried to stand, but her legs wouldn't cooperate. Her knees buckled.

Cade took her by the waist and sat her back on the bed. "Perhaps not." He warns. She smiled shyly, then looked down at her hands.

He knelt in front of her. Cade undid the garter straps, dragging her lace stockings down her legs, trailing behind the fabric with sweet nuzzles and kisses. The belt came off next through a clasp in the back, and he worked her panties down her legs.

"Couldn't even think straight enough to undress you properly." He mumbled, his eyes drifting to the curls between her inner thighs. He placed his lips to the inside of her knee, trailing upward. He pinned her thighs apart with strong hands, ignoring her cries of embarrassment as he kissed the curls. He inhaled deeply, and she thumped him hard on the shoulder. "What-!" She shrieked.

She felt his grin against her inner thigh. "Smells like you, me, and sex."

Evie flushed heatedly and relaxed her fist.

His eyes grew hooded and he sat back on his hands, looking at her fondly. Words slipped from his mouth before he could process any effect they might have. "You and I would make some pretty babies, Evangeline."

He blinked.

She blinked.

"Fuck, did I just-"

She swallowed. "Heat of the moment."

He nodded, knowing full well that scene wouldn't leave his mind until it had come true. His blonde minx, a little blonde baby between them, cooing happily. He'd never thought about having kids. Not ever. Especially not with a nineteen year old college student!

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