Naked // Six

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"Okay, okay." Dallas slurs. "So lemme get this straight." He grabbed a handful of popcorn, shoving it in his mouth. "He showed up at your dorm, bleeding to death."

"Yup." Evie responds.

Dallas glances off to the side. "What was I gonna say?"

Evie busts out laughing, equally as intoxicated as he is.

"And you're wearing his underwear." He comments. "What time is it?"

Evie leans on the couch to check the time on the oven, almost falling until Dallas grabs her. "Three-forty-five A-M." She states proudly.

"Damn." He states, shoving his mouth full of another handful of popcorn.

They sit in silence, watching the glow of the TV.

"Why do you think I'm gay?" He suddenly asks. She turns to look at him, confused. His blue eyes reach small fingers into her soul.

Evie shrugs. "You hang out with a lot of girls. Never have any romantic interest in them."

He scoffs, his body hitting the couch with a soft thud. "You're fucking dense sometimes."

Slightly sobered and offended, Evie turns to look at him. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

He just shook his head.

She stared at him, the small white scar on his chin from an incident at the pool when he was little, his unruly blonde hair, scruffy clothes and blue eyes. She watched him speak his next words. "I saw you at the table with that guy."

She took him apart and put him back together, changing the order of the pieces. Suddenly they made more sense than they did before.

He glanced at her momentarily, then back to the television.

Dallas likes her.

She didn't know what to do with this new information.

"Dallas..." She murmured.

She'd known him for years. How had this never occurred to her?

Her mother's voice invaded her head, and she almost winced. "Men never want friendships, Eve."

Dallas turned his head to her slightly, smiling gently.

His lips connected to hers.

Her first real kiss since him. For a moment, another man's body was on hers, and a pair of hands on her waist.

Clumsy hands. Her brain was swarmed with those feelings and images. It made her dizzy. She had to get away from him - Dallas.

She shoved him, hard, betrayed. "I can't believe you." She murmured, standing up.

His eyes widened. "I didn't realize - Evie, I'm sorry. I promise I'll never do it again-"

She held up her hands. "Don't. Don't follow me."

She couldn't recollect what happened. She just remembered walking. She walked until she found herself once again at the bus stop, the darkest the night has ever been. The moon was nowhere to be seen, and the stars were bleached out of the sky from the city lights.

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