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Lena groans in frustration, trying to reach her mail slot. They really shouldn't make this thing so goddamn high.

"Here, sugar." A hand reaches above her own, removing the small package thats been pushed to the back.

Lena takes the package from Maddox's hands, blushing slightly. "Thanks." She looks up at him. "You've... Cleaned up, I see. Sort of." She notices the black streak on his shirt.

"Yeah, I'm clumsier than a hippo on roller-skates. I always end up with something on my shirt." He grins. "I was just coming back from work. You?"

"Yeah. Me too. I work at the little bookshop a couple blocks that way." She points to the left.

"Wow, it's still open? That little place is older than dirt, I swear." He laughs. "Hey, do you own that near vintage Volkswagen Beetle in the parking garage? I've been trying to figure out who owns it. It's the most hilarious little thing I've ever seen."

She gives him a demure smile and laughs. "Guilty as charged."

"Maybe you'll bring it by for a tune up one day?" He asks, leaning against the mailboxes.

Lena shakes her head at him, biting her lip with a bit of a grin. "Maddox... I told you. You're not my type."

"I thought stereotyping was some kind of a hate crime." Maddox raises an eyebrow. "Who knows, darlin? That's why I think you should go on a date with me."

"You are just relentless! Your southern charm doesn't work on me, Mr. Maddox." She holds her mail to her chest.

"My southern charm works on everyone, Ms. Lena. It's like catnip for women. I'm completely irresistible." He grins a signature American smile with pretty white teeth.

"You're a very vain man, Mr. Maddox. And something tells me that you're a player. I'm not a one night stand kind of girl. Anyway, I only thought your buddy lived here. What are you doing getting the mail?"

He sighs. "I have a shitload of medical bills to pay. I'm crashing at my buddy's place while I look around for an apartment. That requires I get the mail. Small price to pay."

Something crazy comes out of Lena's mouth in sympathy. She knows what that feels like - to drown in debt. "I took up another job with better pay. I've been thinking of moving somewhere a little bigger and maybe a little nicer. That complex up on Cedar... It'd be cheaper to get a two bedroom apartment and split the rent with someone."

He looks at her curiously. "You won't go out with me, but you'll-"

"I just know what it feels like to be buried under a pile of medical bills." She cuts him off. "I had to pay off all my mother's bills after she died and my siblings went and stole all the money from my dad's will." She winces, shaking her head. "Nevermind, it's ridiculous. I'm sorry."

"No!" Maddox gently grabs her by the arm, keeping her from walking away. "Not at all, actually. I think that's a... I think it's a good idea. I mean, ain't it? Works out for both parties involved..."

Lena contemplates her own offer. She really had wanted to move... In a couple of months... But in all honesty, what the fuck was she waiting for? A sign from the divine?

She snatches a pen off the front desk. Lena picks up his hand, gently touching his calloused palm and scrawling down her number. "Text me?" She asks, looking up at him.

"Of course, sugar."


Lena heaves the final box onto the counter, wiping the sweat from her forehead. She corrects the bandana tied around her head. Moving in the middle of a Louisianan summer was perhaps not the most brilliant idea.

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