Chapter 28

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The day after the coronation, Margo walked into Ben's office to see him already working on paperwork. "Yo, Benji!"

"Hi Marge," Ben said, looking up at his little sister.

"So, I've been thinking," she began as she sat in the chair across from Ben

"That's new," he teased, chuckling to himself.

"Haha, very funny. Anyway, since the first four VK's have proven to the kingdom they're not their parents, time to bring a few more over." She put the packet of papers she had been carrying on the desk. "I have a list of six kids already picked out, cause I know you're really busy, but if you have the time we could decide together."

"Margo, I don't really have the time right now."

"Exactly why I already made the list, to make your job easier. You just sign and then I'll talk it over with the council and-"

"I'll get to it later, okay." Ben interrupted. "I just have a lot on my plate right now that's more urgent then this."

"This is really important though, Ben. Look, I have Dizzy Tremaine, Evie recommended her. Oh! And the Hook kids, the VK's don't trust Harry but they also said they have a rough home life and we could really help them. Then we have Uma and-"

"Mar, I'll get to it, okay? Plus, I think four kids is more then enough."

"Well, like I said, I have six here. I feel like a group that big isn't bad. Harry and Gil could share a room and then-"

"Gil? Isn't Gil Gaston's son? Mom and Dad would freak out, and you know it's not pretty when Dad gets mad." Ben warned. The two had had some rough times with their dad.

"Apparently Gil is stupid but super sweet, what's the harm? Plus, Mom and Dad aren't in charge anymore. If we don't tell Dad in person, he won't have a rager, at least not with us around. It'll be fine."

"Either way, we're not bringing Gil and I'm not doing this right now. I'll get to it eventually."

"You know what? I'll come back tomorrow. All you have to do is read and sign, think about it." She said as she got up and walked out the door. She knew if she sat there for a moment longer she would explode.

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