Chapter 14

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"Looking for something?" Mr. Deley asked, noticing Evie rummaging through her purse. He then shows her he has her mirror, "thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code. It will be my recommendation that you are expelled."

"Mr. Deley, I..." Evie starts before Doug stands up.

"But that isn't fair. Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that...whatever it is."

"It's called magic mir-" Evie gets cut off by Doug.

"You're not helping, stop. Maybe she needed another pencil."

"Actually I was-"

"Really, don't help. Please."

"Well, if you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop," Mr. Deley gives in.


"What do you want, Margo?"

"How did you get Evie's mirror?"

"I grabbed it from her bag."

"So you stole it?" Chad gave Margo a blank look, unsure how to respond, "Mr. Deley? Are you going to do anything about this?"

"Uh, um, yes, uh, Chad, uh, detention," Mr. Deley stuttered. Being on the princess of Auradon's bad side may not end well.



Margo was walking through the courtyard on her way to study with Doug when Carlos walked up to her.

"Hey Carlos!" Margo greeted, excited to see her friend.

"Hey, um, Mar, how are you?" Carlos said anxiously.

"Good, you?"

"Good, good, um, I was, uh, I was wondering, um," he began rubbing his neck, one of his nervous habits.

"You sure you're okay Carlos?"

"Yeah, I was just, uh, wondering if you, uh, wanted to go on a, um, date. With me," he finished, his cheeks bright red. Margo was kinda surprised, but nonetheless he was a nice kid, so why not?

"Sure," she answered.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, that sounds fun! What do you wanna do?"

"Uh, I don't know, I didn't think I would get this far," Carlos and Margo chuckled.

"I have an idea!" Margo said excitedly, "I know it's last minute, but does tonight work? The next few days will be really busy between Family Day and the coronation."

Carlos felt a wave of, sadness? He knew he was gonna have to take the wand, this would be their only date.

"Sure, what are we doing?"

"It's a surprise."

"Then how will I know what to wear?"


"Pajamas? Ok, seriously, what are we doing?"

"You'll see," Margo chuckled, "I'll see you later, I promised Doug I would study with him."

"Okay, see you tonight." He stared at her as she walked away, proud of himself.


Margo and Doug were working on their homework when Evie walked up to them, smiling proudly and showing the two her Chemistry test grade.

"For the first time, it's like I'm more then just a pretty face," Evie was on cloud nine.

"Shocker," Doug joked.

"You two were pretty great in there," she was thankful that her friends had jumped in for her.

"So were you," Doug responded. Margo wanted to say something, but she had been shipping Devie since the VK's got there and she wasn't gonna interrupt the moment.

"I bet I can get an A on the next test without the mirror," Evie commented.

"Yeah, well, maybe we can get together and we'll hang out with..." Doug had been hoping to go on a date with Evie for awhile.

"Yeah, let's get together," Evie answered.

Margo pumped her fists in the air, "My ship has sailed!"

The moment ended abruptly when they heard Mal's voice approaching, "There you are! I have been looking for you literally everywhere!"

"What's wrong?" Evie questioned, worried.

"Ben just asked me out on"

"Nice," Doug said.

"Finally! Took him long enough!" Margo said, "Oh! That reminds me, I have a date with Carlos tonight too."

"Carlos asked you out?" Mal asked, while Evie squealed in delight.


"I told him not to, Ben's gonna go all big brother on him," Mal stated. Honestly, she didn't have them give Margo a cookie because she didn't trust Carlos wouldn't let something slip about the plan, but she wasn't gonna tell him she thought that.

"Carlos will be fine, I totally ship it!" Evie was ecstatic.

"Whatever, we have to get ready," Mal was starting to get annoyed.

"We can handle this. Bye Doug!"

Margo gave her nerdy friend a two finger salute before walking off with the girls.

True Family: A Descendants StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora