Chapter 7

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"Those kids are trouble," Chad said as he walked down the hall with Ben, Margo, and Audrey.

"Come on Chad, give them a chance," Margo responded. She was getting tired of people judging the VK's before getting to know them.

"No offense M, but you're just too trusting. Look, I know Ben's mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince, but with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. That girl's mother," Audrey said, pointing at Mal.

"I think you're wrong about them. We'll see you later," Ben and Margo walked away, the former trying to stop himself from yelling at Audrey for implying him and Margo weren't family.

"Hey Mal!" Margo greeted the purple haired girl.

"Hey," Mal said.

"How was your first day?" Ben asked.

"Super," Mal responded sarcastically. Ben then notice the spray paint on her locker.

"You should really think about taking this talent off the locker and into art class. I could sign you up, what do you think?" Ben said.

"Way to take all the fun out of it," Mal stated before walking off to follow Jane.

"Real smooth Benji," Margo teased as she started her walk to Mr. Deley's classroom.


Margo walked into chemistry and took a seat on the right side of Evie. Doug was sitting on the other side of Evie.

"Any chance he's in line for a throne? Anywhere in line?" Evie questioned, a dreamy look on her face.

"Chad, Prince Charming, Jr. Cinderella's son?" Doug's voice cracked, very obviously. "Chad inherited the charm but," Doug looked at Margo.

"Not a lot of there, there," him and Margo spoke in unison and chuckled.

"Know what I mean?" Doug asked.

"Looks like there there to me," Evie said, her eyes still focused on Chad.

"Evie, perhaps this is just review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?" Mr. Deley questioned.

"Atomic weight? Uh, well not very much. I mean, it's an atom, right?" Evie said as she made her way up to the board, "Let's see. How do I find the atomic weight of silver? That would be 106.905 times .5200, plus 108.905 times .4800," Doug and Margo nodded along, listening carefully to make sure she was correct, "which, Mr. Deley, would give us 107.9 amu," she finished, mispronouncing amu.

"Amu?" Margo and Doug turned their heads towards each other and mouthed to each other in sync.

"I forget, always a mistake to underestimate-"

"A villain?" Evie interrupted Mr. Deley as she tossed him the chalk, "Don't make it again," and with that she sat back in her seat. Queen.

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