Chapter 11

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Margo was walking towards the locker room to get changed for the game when Ben walked up to her.

"I think I'm in love with Mal," He said in a daze.

"Whoa! Slow down Ben, I can tell you have a crush on her, but love is a strong word," Margo said, suspicious.

"Nope, it's love, I just know it!"

"Look, you sound crazy, but...does this mean you're gonna break up with Audrey? Please?" Margo asked hopeful.

"Well yeah, I can't keep dating her, I'm in love with Mal! She has the prettiest little golden flecks in her eyes," Ben answered with a sigh.

"Benji, you okay? You're acting really weird."

"I'm more then okay, I'm in love!" He said as he skipped away from Margo without another word.

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