Chapter 16

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Margo and Evie heard a knock on the door. Evie rushed over and opened it before Margo could even get up.

"You better have her back before curfew. I expect you to be a gentleman tonight, do you understand?" Evie questioned.

"Woah Evie, no need to go all mom mode," Margo said as she walked over to her date.

"Seriously, where are we going? And why are we wearing pajamas?" Carlos was dying to know what she had planned.

"Come with me," was all she would say.


The two quickly arrived at their destination, the on campus ice cream place.

"Ice cream? I've heard it's to die for but I don't think we've actually tried it yet," Carlos commented. "And I still don't get why we're wearing pajamas."

"Cause it's fun! Life's too short not to get a little crazy sometimes," she said.

The pair ordered a small portion of each of Margo's favorite flavors, taste testing while getting to know each other.

"Hey, wanna do one of those cheesy get to know you games?" Carlos asked.

"Sure! Okay, middle name. Mine is Louise."

"Mine is Oscar. Poor Mal, her middle name is Bertha."

"Bertha? That's unfortunate. Ben's is Florian," Margo said with a slight chuckle.

"Florian? That's so princely!"

"I know, right? So typical of my parents to do something like that. Okay, favorite memory."

"Okay, um, let me think," Carlos paused, a focused look on his face. "Oh! I got it! I was probably eight or nine. I jinxed Jay so he owed me a soda, but it's really hard to find on the island. He decided to go looking in the dumpster, but he fell in head first! I just got to sit and watch him try and climb back out, still unable to talk. I think that was the longest he's gone without any sarcastic remarks."

"Did he ever get you a soda?"

"Nah, Mal said his name three times before he could. It was pretty funny though, after he managed to get out of the dumpster he saw a pretty girl and tried to flirt with her, without talking. It kind of reminded me of Ariel. He was just making weird faces and stuff trying to impress her. Bonus, he still smelled like trash. What about you? What's your favorite memory?"

"Ben and I were twelve and it was my Gotcha Day, which is basically my birthday except it's the day I was legally adopted. When I woke up there was a sticky note Ben had put on my forehead telling me to meet him in the kitchen. When I got down there, all the ingredients for my favorite pancake recipe were on the counter. We ended up having a huge flour war, the kitchen was a mess. We made at least thirty pancakes, which we later discovered we couldn't eat all by ourselves. We were sitting eating when he handed me a little box. I opened it and inside was this necklace," Margo displayed her necklace, a silver chain with a little silver plaque that had " little sis" inscribed on it, "as a reminder that even though we're not biologically family, he's still my brother and I'm still his sister. He has a matching bracelet that says 'big brother'."

"That's really sweet. You hit the jackpot in the brother department," Carlos said, smiling.

"Yeah, I really did." She smiled joyfully, thinking about her brother, best friend, and partner in crime.

Carlos and Margo barely finished the amount of ice cream they had ordered. Carlos decided his favorite flavor, of course, was chocolate. Margo hopped on Carlos' back on the way back to the dorms, the two laughing and joking all the way there.

Fun Fact
Margo's favorite flavor of ice cream is strawberry

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