Chapter Eight: Who Needs a Lawsuit

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“I’m sorry Alex.” He apologized with a sigh. I closed my eyes and put down the pen I was using. I let out a deep breath and rubbed a hand across my face.

“Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault. I’m happy that you are here, I really am. I just hate that place ten times more than I ever have since Maddi’s death. Everyone is either too insensitive or too annoying about it and it just has sucked. Then bitches either giving me hate or act fake around because I know all of you and I hate it.” I vented and rested my head on my arm, staring down at the table. So much for not talking. Zayn always got it out of me.

“It’s alright love. I honestly didn’t know you hated that place so much.”

“How did you not know? I told you about it in almost every text I sent to you.” I said referring to the endless conversations we had every day when he was away.

“yeah but everyone says they hate school. They never have a good reason for it, they just don’t like it. But this seems to be different.” He said slowly.

“It is different.” I shrugged.

“Well you’ll be alright. I’ll pick you up tomorrow and I’ll be there as soon as school lets out to make sure you don’t have to stay there any longer than necessary.” He said with a smile. I returned it and hugged him.

“Thanks Zayn. But now, you have to help me with math.” I said and pointed to my homework. He gave me a glare and I just smile innocently. “Pwease?”

“Fine, if I can.” He said and looked at the problems. I let a victorious smile spread across my face as we started to do the problems together.

Jules’s POV

I hoped Alex was alright. Ninth period had just ended I hadn’t seen her since seventh. Just had to catch up with her, run to our lockers, and then go and meet Zayn who was apparently the one who was picking us up today. I had heard rumors that the dicks from yesterday were on the hunt for her and I passed by the two bitches in the hallway and they stared me down as well as telling me that my ‘slut friend was dead’. For God’s sake these girls are such drama queens. If you look at them the wrong way they’ll try to rip your hair out of your head.

I went fast at my locker then made my way towards Alex’s. I let out a sigh of relief I didn’t realize I was holding when I saw her standing there putting books inside of her locker unharmed. I looked around quickly and noticed no one was around. I made my way over to Alex faster.

“Hey hurry up.” I said when I got there, a little out of breath from rushing around.

“Dude chill. I’m fine. I haven’t even gotten a text from Zayn saying he’s here yet.” She said and shut her locker slowly looking down at her phone.

“Yeah, cause he said he would already be here. I’m sure he’s waiting for us, now let’s go.” I said and grabbed her wrist, trying to hurry her out of there. The faster we got out of there, the better.

“Chill out Jules, you’re acting like we’re in a war zone.” She chuckled sending a quick text to someone before looking up at me and cracking a smile. “I know you want to see Niall but have a bit more patients.”

I glared at her. She always had to turn this into something about me and Niall. Yes I liked him. Yes it was more than a friend. No, nothing was going to come of it and I accepted that. Now it’s time for her to do the same. He is famous, foreign, and a few years older than me. I was lucky I was even friends with him.

“Get over that, will you?” I said and shoved her playfully. I relaxed a bit. She was right; I was overreacting a bit.

“Not until you two admit your love for each other.” She said in a sarcastic dream like voice. I rolled my eyes. I opened my mouth to speak as we turned a corner, but we bumped into people. I stumbled backwards and looked up to see the same five assholes from yesterday. Fuck.

It's More of a "Hate, Hate" Thing... (Liam Payne)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora