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TITLE | Never Let This Go*after Paramore's songFACE CLAIM | Madeline PetschOC NAME | Marguerite 'Margo' HaleLOVE INTEREST | Stefan SalvatoreSEASON(S) | Pre-TVD, can lead into TVD if so desiredSUMMARY |

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TITLE | Never Let This Go*
after Paramore's song
FACE CLAIM | Madeline Petsch
OC NAME | Marguerite 'Margo' Hale
LOVE INTEREST | Stefan Salvatore
SEASON(S) | Pre-TVD, can lead into TVD if so desired

❝I look at you and I just love you, and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you.❞

In the late 1990s, Stefan Salvatore met Margo Hale, a vampire who showed him how to live wildly.


• Marguerite Hale was born in 1893, to wealthy, progressive parents. Her mother was a feminist campaigner—who also campaigned for birth control—and her father was a commission merchant. Due to that, they were well-respected because of their money and the amount of fallas Mrs. Hale threw, but disliked a tad due to their progressiveness.
• Margo, as she was nicknamed by her family, is the last of six children. Her eldest brother, Albert Hale II, followed their father's step in order to become heir to the company. Her eldest sister, Emelie Hale, married a boy of seventeen when she was fifteen and moved to London. Her third eldest sibling, Armand Hale, was a horse racing fanatic. Her fourth and fifth siblings were a pair of twins, Marie-Thérèse and Jean-Marc Hale, were inseparable as children and the polar opposites as young adults.
• Margo wants to be a lot like her mother, a socialite in the world of riches and travesty. She learned from quite young about dresses and pearls and the way she was supposed to bat her lashes at a boy in order to get him to do whatever she wanted. Her mother taught her every part of etiquette, and her brother's friends were test subject to every little charm of hers.
• Something that made Margo stand out on the tabloids was red, her signature colour. Her mother was a fan of a soft white, almost pink, colour. A lot like her pearls. And then her youngest child was born with brilliant red hair, as red as the colour of the roses in her garden or the bricks that made up the or home.
• At the age of fourteen, she entered socialite life with her mother. Parties and galas became her thing. At seventeen, she was well known throughout the socialite world as the young woman who threw parties for charity and to favour those that disliked her family due to their progressiveness. Even though she, a loud-spoken feminist like her mother, would never stoop as low as those people.
• At eighteen, already a woman in the socialite world, she was bound to marry another rich man who had connections to royalty. His father was either a duke, or an earl, or something along those lines. She didn't care. As long as he brought her expensive gifts, she didn't care how he was connected to royalty. Turns out, it wasn't royalty. Salvatore Luciano was the son of a Sicilian-born crime boss, a member of the infamous organisation called the Commission, which was basically a sort of national board of directors for the American Mafia, which was considered of stolen least 20 from families across the country.
• When Margo found out, she didn't care. In fact, she enjoyed the power of her future husband's endeavour. Her future father-in-law, a man known as a Charles Luciano to the outside world (as Lucky to the underground world of crime), loved her. He adored the girl with fiery red hair and the attitude
of a woman who would kill if someone ruined her perfectly manicured nails. And in honestly, Margo was viciously happy that Lucky Luciano admires her for who she was and not because of the money she had or what she had between her thighs.
• Sadly, being affiliated with the mafia is not a good thing. Marguerite Hale and Salvatore Luciano ended up being murdered by competing mafiosi who wanted to be on top.
• As Margo died, the few bullet wounds all over her chest painting the snow beneath her red, a woman appeared. With her black hair and brown eyes, and a smirk that would make anyone tremble. She was the one who fed her blood, who allowed her to have a painful death only to wake up again.
• The woman is with her when she wakes up, smoking in the dark room as she taps her heels against the floor. She says her name is Federica Luciano, an ancestor to the current Luciano family. She had been watching over them for years now, and decided to watch over her and Salvatore since they seemed to be in love. When they were killed, Federica stepped in and decided to help, which meant to cure them with her blood. She never meant for Margo to turn. So, she gives the young woman an alternative, she can either continue to be a vampire or die in twenty-four hours. Margo decides to become a vampire, not even thinking twice about it. Becoming a vampire is power, and there is nothing she enjoys most than power.
• She spends her years with Federica, loving in a grand house in New York with all the things she wants just a snap away.
• In the late 1990's while returning to New York from a trip to Europe, she bumps into the silent and brooding Stefan Salvatore, a man who has the surname of a man she once loved. And she takes a liking to him.
• Margo Hale is a lot like Katherine, but not as selfish. She's mean, but with a heart of gold. She loves luxury, but drives a 1939 Lincoln Continental.
• She loves driving fast. Like, the wind in her hair and the music at full volume is one of her aesthetics.
• Sometime later, Stefan and Margo go their separate ways. But, they can be brought together when Margo decides to visit the famous Mystic Falls he told her so much about, only to find him there with his brother and a girl that looks so much like his first love.

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