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TITLE | Heartbreaker*FACE CLAIM | Park Sooyoung / JoyOC NAME | Lottie Moon / Moon Yeo-wool SEASON(S) | S1 —LOVE INTEREST | Rafael Waithe*SUMMARY |

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TITLE | Heartbreaker*
FACE CLAIM | Park Sooyoung / Joy
OC NAME | Lottie Moon / Moon Yeo-wool
SEASON(S) | S1 —
LOVE INTEREST | Rafael Waithe*

❝I feel like I'm a flame about to burn out, like I'm going to disappear.❞

In which a girl who eats hearts to stay alive falls in love with a boy whose heart she wants to taste.


• Lottie Moon is alone. Not only because she prefers the solitude of her bedroom at the Salvatore School for Young and Gifted, but because she was the only one of her kind. She was, in many ways, a lot like Hope Mikaelson—alone and one of a kind. Well, as far as she knows. She has a deep hope, one that she will not admit to anyone, that she is not alone. Why would a nine-tailed fox be alone in such a vast world?
• Her mother is the only nine-tailed fox she knew, but sadly her mother passed away when she was eight years old. Moon Yeon-soo, a beautiful woman with long black hair and eyes that would make any one fall to their knees, had been the other heart-eating/liver-eating fox in her life. And although her mother dined on a meal of fresh human hearts, she was mostly human. She treated her daughter with a lot of care and love, just like any mother. And then she died, killed right in front of her daughter by a crazed man who was obsessed with Yeon-soo.
• It was Jeremy Gilbert who found the young fox, hiding inside of the closet of a bloody motel room. He took her to Alaric Saltzman and Caroline Forbes, the headmasters of the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. At first, they thought that she could be a werewolf, so they introduced her to the pack. A week after she arrived, they realised that the girl was not a wolf, but a fox. A white fox with nine tails, brown eyes wide and vibrant.
• Alaric, residential father figure for lost kids in Mystic Falls, took it upon himself to learn everything there was to know about foxes with nine tails. He learned about the Chinese huli jing, the Japanese kitsune, and the Korean gumiho—all fox spirits with nine tails. He takes it upon himself to make this young girl feel as welcome as possible, not as lonely as she feels; he even asks the werewolf pack if they could take her in as one of their own, even if she's a fox and something they have never really encountered before.
• Although she is accepted by the pack, she prefers to stay by herself. It's a comfort. She mourns her mother in the silence of her new bedroom, an actual place that she can call her own. The Saltzman twins also pay her visits, wanting her to open up a bit and not be so lonely, even though they only appear because their father made them. And then, the young fox meets another lonesome creature, one that is just as lonely as she—Hope Mikaelson.
• They are not the best of friends, but they understand the loneliness. It's the first time that the young fox opens up, revealing both her given name and her English name. It takes months for Lottie to open up completely, to even speak about her mother.
• By the end, it's like Lottie is part of the werewolf pack of the Salvatore Boarding School. She has the strength of a werewolf, the agility of a werewolf, and the heightened senses that come with the werewolf gene—but she is a fox. Unlike them, she can transform whenever she wants.
• The bad thing about being a fox, especially one with nine tails, is that Lottie becomes ravenous if she doesn't get the meal these divine beings—or demonic, depending on what one reads—desires most. Human hearts. Fresh human hearts. Her mother had taught her young on what she needed to survive, to keep her fox from calm and collected. Hidden, to feast on a fresh human heart.
Caroline Forbes, on one of her visits back home, compels the personnel of the Mystic Falls Hospital morgue to supply them with hearts from the recently dead every month. Just one heart.
• It works. Lottie Moon become different after she ate the heart, more outgoing. More like her age. It was as if she forgot about her mother's teachings, about having to hide and run, to live off of fast food and motel rooms. Her bedroom began to look like something she had seen on TV and movies, decorated with a few things she enjoyed. Books began to fill the walls, and a music player that Lizzie Saltzman had gifted her for her birthday. All the things that decorate her bedroom, the clothes in her closet, they were all gifted to her or bought with money she earned from working jobs during the summer.
• Lottie began to play sports, especially soccer. She liked running around in the field and kicking a ball, as ridiculous as it sounded. The thrill made her feel elated. Happy, even. It was something she didn't know she had desired for so long. To be completely human.
• So, she searches. She runs through books and websites, and even watches Chinese and Korean dramas to see what it was. All she knew was what her mother told her—that she was a fox with nine tails, a higher being, that she wasn't bound to the chains of humanity. In Chinese mythology, foxes were either a good or bad omen. They were considered non-humans that could assume human form with age.
In Korean mythology, the foxes were spirits that could become beautiful young women who would seduce young men and then kill them to eat their heart. Sometimes, they were considered bloodthirsty half-fox, half-human creatures that wandered cemeteries at night, digging human hearts out of graves.
In Japanese mythology, all foxes are able to shapeshift into a human form. They were considered faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and even wives.
Lottie thought she fit the second one more, considering she did eat human hearts to maintain her kind of normality.
None really told her how to become completely human, but she continued to search.
• She doesn't have a close group of friends (she doesn't consider anyone her best friend), so she keeps her thoughts in a journal. There are many times where she feels like she could hurt someone, even worse kill them, so she doesn't have close friends.
• When Rafael Waithe arrived to the school and introduced to the wolf pack, Lottie doesn't think anything special about him. Another poor soul who sadly broke the werewolf curse by accidentally killing someone.
He, on the other hand, is a bit interested on the silent member of the pack. A friend, he thinks.
• They have each other in several classes, so he sits by her and introduces himself.
Lottie greets him, but only because she is nice and doesn't want him to be creeped out that she's a nine-tailed fox.
• And then one night, Lottie accidentally kills a boy (she was walking back school after running around the perimeters and bumped into a group of teens that sneaked into the school) and eats his heart. It's a fresh heart, something she had never really tasted before, and it was a lot like tasting her first bite of chocolate cake. Heavenly.
She walks back to the school with her chin and neck bloody, her eyes wide. Realisation came as she stepped inside the school. She ate a heart. That was utterly inhuman.
• It's a fight for Lottie to try and control her instincts to attack anyone, to try and not eat their heart. She's read the books. If she continues to eat human hearts, she should become human. Completely human.
• The romance can be added any way, with any character, really.

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