the wild hunt - the vampire diaries | sold

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TITLE | The Wild HuntFACE CLAIM | Lily JamesNAME | CaeleminSEASON (S) | S6 - S8LOVE INTEREST | Damon Salvatore*SUMMARY |

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TITLE | The Wild Hunt
FACE CLAIM | Lily James
NAME | Caelemin
SEASON (S) | S6 - S8
LOVE INTEREST | Damon Salvatore*

  ❝She was a fae whose gift is death.❞

For humans, the fae were part of fairy tales they were told when they were children. Happy-ever-after stories where the fae would so graciously bestow a gift upon a royals head, their dress made of bright colours and a crown of flowers on their head. Those fae where part of the the seasonal courts, who were so gracious with their movements and generosity that the humans they saved has written stories about them.

The solar courts where the vicious ones. They teared through flesh and adored spilled blood, the hunt of it was a thrill. The Wild Hunt, they called it. And Caelemin loved it as much as she loved her priyatel, her mate. Or, a woman she thought was her mate. Love was tricky for a member of the Court of Dawn, the most beautiful part of the day for the most horrendous fae. So as soon as Caelemin saw the portal to another realm she jumped through it and landed in the centre of the Salvatore Boarding House, with the Save Elena Gang present.

The problems of the human world are the least of Caelemin's worries, for the ones from her world are hunting her down. And there is nothing that can stop them.


• Caelemin is fae, pointed ears and magic included. As a fae, she has some kind of otherworldly beauty. Her eyes are a deep and shimmering brown, with hints of bright gold that appear to glow and move when she is in her natural fae form. She'll use glamour to make herself appear as human when necessary, since using glamour for long periods of times weakens her..
• In her realm, Elphyne, there are courts to divide the good fae from the bad. Sort of like Seelie and Unseelie, and that has NOTHING to do with Shadowhunters so do not bring that bullshit here. The seasonal courts (Spring, Autumn, Winter, and Summer) are the Seelie, the good fae who help humans and reward them. The solar courts (Day, Night, Dawn, and Dusk) are the Unseelie, the wicked fae who enjoy playing tricks and killing. For the Unseelie to survive, they need to feed on human energy. Killing, for them, is just pure fun.
• She's part of the Court of Dawn, which has the most beautiful sunrises in which the majority of the land gets covered in gold and the castle for their crown princess is made of a pink sunstone that seems to glimmer. She's the daughter of a high lord, which makes her sort-of-royalty but not with as much power as the crown princess of dawn.
• Caelemin thought that the Crown Princess Isarea was her priyatel, her mate. She felt a strong love towards Isarea, and thought that meant that she was her mate. For Isarea, Caelemin was just a play thing that she discarded when she got bored. And Caelemin wasn't supposed to feel heartbroken because of that, but she did, and she decided to satisfy her heartbreak by feeding on the energy of another fae. A crime in their world that is punishable by death. So, she decides to run away and try to survive. And she did, for several months she crossed through the Courts and hid deep in their woods, hunted to survive, and stole when necessary.
While running away from the guards of the Court of Winter, she saw a portal and jumped through it.
• She landed in the centre of the Salvatore Boarding House, while the majority of the Save Elena Gang was there. Since their world is COMPLETELY different, she holds a sword to Damon's throat while assessing her surroundings. When she realises they are not dangerous to her, she drops her sword.
• Caelemin is Unseelie, which makes her sort of like a vampire with their humanity turned off but with emotions. She feeds without remorse, enjoying the life fade away from the body and drop limp in her arms. It's her favourite part of feeding, the kill. It gets her in a lot of fights with the majority of the Save Elena Gang, except for Damon. He finds her intriguing.
• Caelemin does not have a sexual preference, she enjoys both men and women and flirts constantly with them. There is something about the fae that makes human attracted back to them, sometimes fatally, and that's what makes them such an easy target for her to feed.
• MY GIRL CAELEMIN IS KINKY AF. Like, she likes choking and blood play and teasing. Especially the teasing, even when it's at a bad moment.
• To popular believes, iron does weaken the fae. Vampires have their vervain, werewolves have their wolfbane, the Originals have their daggers, and the fae have iron.
• Caelemin can sense when another fae is near, or when magic has been done. She knows that she is being hunted, and that her ex-lover will do everything to get her head. She confesses this to Damon after they've grown close.
• Isarea will cross to Mystic Falls, and there WILL be a showdown between her and Caelemin. The ending can be with Isarea taking Caelemin's head and Damon having to watch her be killed while immobilised by guards of the Court of Dawn, or Caelemin kills Isarea and takes a potion that makes her human because she's "lived thousands of lives, and she just wants to spend one with" Damon.

SOLD TO | estherpages

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