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TITLE | The Nightingale*OC NAME | Aelinor CaronFACE CLAIM | Bruna MarquezineSEASON(S) | AU, after S8LOVE INTEREST | Gendry BaratheonSUMMARY |

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TITLE | The Nightingale*
OC NAME | Aelinor Caron
FACE CLAIM | Bruna Marquezine
SEASON(S) | AU, after S8
LOVE INTEREST | Gendry Baratheon

❝I would walk to the jaws of the Seven Hells itself if it were a path of my own choosing.❞

In which a songbird is sent to Storm's End to marry the bastard stag that became a lord.

• After a year of serving as Master of Ships to King Bran, Davos Seaworth decides to return to life at the Stormlands with his wife. Tyrion Lannister offered him Greenstone, an abandoned seat after its lord died during the Battle of the Blackwater. Davos didn't want the castle, instead requesting the seat he had when Stannis Baratheon was alive—the Rain House. So, Davos of House Seaworth became Lord of Rain House, a stronghold northeast of the Rainwood. So, Davos sets sail for his new home, but not before he stops at Storm's End to see an old friend.
• Davos Seaworth cannot help but smile as he sees the new lord of Storm's End act like a noble and caring lord. With the help of a maester, Lord Gendry Baratheon has made the Stormlands fertile and more populous. A city was even built close to Storm's End, named Stormtown after the seat of their lord. It's growing, but so far it is making its keep with fishing and crabbing and merchants coming from the Free Cities and Qarth.
Davos even jokes that Gendry is doing a better job as lord than Stannis ever did. And he is. The Stormlands are small, but the wealth it had accumulated in the short months that Gendry has been lord could mirror Lannisport. And Gendry is thankful for that. He even says that the first building erected in Stormtown was an orphanage, where bastard children and those left alone after the war could live with the reassurance of food and clothing and even education. A difference from Flea Bottom. And Davos is nothing but proud of him.
• Then, the dreaded question comes from Davos. "Have you thought about marriage?"
And Gendry is nervous about that question. He had thought of marriage, once, almost two years ago. In Winterfell, to a lady that didn't like to be a life and preferred her freedom more than anything. "I've been busy," he answers.
"Too busy for a lady?" Davos huffs. He puts his hands behind his back and stares down at the young Lord of Storm's End. "It's been a long time. If she hasn't come by now, she is never coming back."
Gendry knew that. He knew that Arya Stark would never settle down in his castle his lady, for she was every bit a wolf as the rest of her kin. Her sister had claimed independence for the North, and had thousands of Northmen willing to fight for their freedom. Not once, but thrice. The first was with King Robb, the Young Wolf. Then, with Jon Snow, The White Wolf. And now, they completely had it with Queen Sansa, the Red Wolf.
Gendry had to admit that Sansa Stark was beautiful, with her red hair and striking blue eyes. She was a proper lady. But he had always loved Arya, her strength and her resilience and the daring banter. He would always love the Night Wolf of Winterfell.
• A few carriages arrive the few days Davos is at Storm's End, lords swearing fealty to their Lord Paramount. They all bring gifts and greetings, with some lords bringing their daughter to seek a possible marriage. Davos knows well of their intentions, having been taught by Stannis. Some even greet Davos, calling him Lord Seaworth and giving him smiles.
Gendry allowed the lords to stay, even though it had been a surprise attendance. Some had greeted him beforehand, just a few short months after she had been named Lord of Storm's End and King Bran had been chosen as king. He could remember some, especially House Cafferen of Fawnton and House Mertyn of Mistwood. They were the firsts to have sworn fealty to him as soon as he arrived.
The house he didn't remember, or even knew about, was House Caron. Its lord appeared young, perhaps a few years older than Gendry, with dark hair and dark eyes. The man appears eternally angry, a scowl forever etched on his face. A lot like the weirwood he had seen at Winterfell.
The lord introduces himself as Adian of House Caron.
• House Caron is a principal noble house in the stormlands, sworn to Storm's End. They rule from Nightsong, located in the Dornish Marshes, north of the Prince's Pass and the Red Mountains. Nightsong is known for its Singing Towers.
The Carons have held Nightsong for many centuries, and their lords hold the title of Lord of the Marches. They are known for creating warriors and singers.
Their banner is a field of black nightingales on yellow. And their house words is No Song So Sweet. Their house words had been used to highlight their success over all the Lords and Ladies of the Marches. Just as the nightingale exceeds all other birds by the sweetness of its songs, the nightingales of House Caron exceed their marcher neighbours by their strength and valour.
• Lord Adian had arrived at Storm's End with his lady wife, Jocelyn Grandison, and his only surviving sister.
Gendry cannot help but stare at Lord Adian's sister.
Aelinor Caron had large dark eyes and long, thick black hair. A beauty. The very opposite of the woman Gendry loved, with her black silk dress and her neatly brushed hair and the gold on her ears and around her neck. So, different, yet he is still entranced by her.
He knows a warrior when he sees one.
• Gendry keeps himself away from Aelinor, mostly speaking to Lord Adian about Nightsong and how they could help the stormlands.
It's Aelinor who answers. She tells him that since Nightsong is in the Dornish Marches, their bounty had been well even though they were at war. The bounty had been distributed to the smallfolk around the area and sold at the markets in the small towns surrounding Bronzegate and the Weeping Town.
Gendry is surprised at her words but keeps a stoic face. "And why wasn't I made aware of this?" He wants to know everything that happened in his lands, especially since he wanted to make sure that everyone was being treated equally.
"My sister demanded the smallfolk be given their share first," Lord Adian said with disgust.
Aelinor frowned at her brother, then looked at Gendry with the same face. "I apologise, my lord, I thought..."
"Good," Gendry broke in, a smile appearing on his face. "Don't worry, m'lady. I would have done the same thing. I may be a lord now, but I still remember how terrible it was when I was a part of the smallfolk."
Aelinor smiles at this.
Lord Adian stands there with disgust clear on his face. He is one of those lords that think they are higher than everyone, that deserves praise for all they do.
• Aelinor is both a singer and a warrior, the two things House Caron breeds. Her father had taught her how to wield a sword before the War of the Five Kings began. And after his death at Blackwater, her eldest brother Rogar continued the lessons. Rogar Caron died months prior, of redspots, so Adian became Lord of Nightsong and Lord of the Marches. Unlike his father and eldest brother, Adian thinks a woman should occupy herself with the womanly arts and have children, no more. He was a man detested by all other lords, especially the few ladies who had become ladies of their own houses.
Even his own sister loathes him. She doesn't show it in public, or basically to anyone, but there are times where she wishes he would have died instead of their father or Rogar.
• Aelinor enjoys singing, a given gift from those in House Caron.
During one of the parties, Maester Norren insisted that Gendry have, the other lords laugh merrily as they ask those of House Caron to sing them a song. Adian sneers at this, downing his wine and keeping a tight hold on his chair. Gendry sees this and is tempted to ask the other lords to stop, but then he hears a melody.
Aelinor is seated by her brother's lady wife, and she has her eyes closed, and she is singing a soft melody. The Seasons of My Love, a Myrish song that is both sad and sweet.
All cannot help but stare at the fair maiden singing the song, several lords surprised at the sudden melody that had accumulated throughout the loud hall. Now, it was quiet. All silent to hear the maiden sing.
• Gendry is in trouble about even liking Aelinor a bit. She is not Arya, and he had promised himself that he would wait for the Night Wolf and her ship. He still can't help but feel attracted to the Nightingale of Nightsong.
• Aelinor, although skilled in the womanly arts, is also skilled with the sword. Gendry sees this several nights after the ball when he is taking a late-night stroll. He can't sleep anymore, not after seeing the horrors of the burnt King's Landing, so he walks around his keep and sometimes goes to the smith to feel the familiarity of the heat of the fire against his skin.
He hears the clashing of metal against metal and sees Aelinor Caron with trousers and a sword in hand as she fights against some knight that came along with their House. Ser Daemon Morrigen of Crow's Nest was knighted at age sixteen and remained with House Caron because he liked Nightsong. It was the official story passed around the lords, but Gendry knew. He could see the look he shared with Lady Aelinor. The same look he had for Arya Stark. This gives him an idea. Since all the lords keep pushing their daughters towards him, telling him how pretty they are and how skilful and how they would give him many heirs, he decides to have a bride who doesn't love him.
• He calls for Aelinor a few days later and tells her his plan in secret. They can marry, and that would stop everyone from trying to find them, suitable suitors. A political marriage, which he had never thought about having. Ever since he was made a lord by the late Queen Daenerys, he had thought of Arya Stark as the love of his life and the woman that would become lady of Storm's End alongside him. But it had been nearly two years since Arya took sail from King's Landing to see what laid west of Westeros. If she had returned, if she would ever return, it would never be to Storm's End. She would return North, towards her home. She would remain between Winterfell and the Wall, with both her dear siblings.
Gendry knew this much, yet his desires told him all of the opposites. He thought that perhaps Aelinor Caron could be the woman who could help him forget about Arya Stark. He doubted that.
• Lord Adian is told immediately. The story was that Gendry had taken a liking of Aelinor as soon as she arrived and that he fell in love with her when she sang. He couldn't wait to marry her, so the date was set a fortnight. It would be grand, as Lord Caron wanted it to be.
Invitations are sent to all of the noble lords of Westeros, including King Bran, and even the Queen in the North. He even invited Jon Snow over the Wall, but he knew the man would be the one to least likely come. And for a moment, he was tempted to send a raven to Arya Stark. But, he didn't know where she was. He didn't know whether she was alive.
• The days that come close to the wedding, Aelinor and Gendry act as if they were in love. They become close as they share secrets in the dead of night. Gendry tells her about his bastard days, about how he had always thought he would live the rest of his life in King's Landing as a smith. Never did he imagine living in a castle, nevertheless as its lord.
Aelinor tells him that her father had fought for his father during the War of the Usurper and that he fought alongside Renly and Stannis Baratheon. He thought both men were unfit to be kings, but he thought he had a duty to hold to House Baratheon. Before the War of the Five Kings, her father taught her how to wield a sword. After his death, her brother continued the teachings. And after her brother's death, Ser Daemon taught her in secrecy. She could stop any time she wanted, but she wants to be strong. She wants to protect her family, just like many other women of House Caron had done in the past and would do in the future.
• The relationship between Aelinor and Gendry is a slow burn, the both actually feeling the love months after their marriage.
• King Bran comes for the wedding. Queen Sansa does as well. And surprisingly, so does Arya Stark. She walks right by her sister, tall and proud, as Lady Commander of the Queensguard. Her sister's swordshield. Two wolves in the den of stags.
She even dances with Gendry.
And Gendry tells her that he still loves her.
Arya Stark had moved on from Gendry. She is happy being at home in Winterfell, with her sister and sometimes travelling to the Wall to see Jon. She also tells him that she has found someone who loves her for everything that she is. It's no lord with a castle, but a wildling. A godsdamned wildling.
Gendry hides his emotions and smiles at her, and tells her, "I'm happy for you, m'lady."
Arya smiles at him. "I'm still no lady."
• The bedding ceremony came afterwards.
Gendry forced smiles through him, and he arrived first in their chambers.
Aelinor arrives after him, naked. She had her arms covering herself and she was shivering.
Gendry quickly grabbed a blanket from the bed and wrapped it around her, telling her that it was all right now. He had always thought his ceremony was terrible, for both the men and women involve, yet there were many lords that didn't want it gone. They pushed it forward, taught their sons that the bedding ceremony was a must.
If Gendry had sons or daughters, he would tell them that the bedding ceremony would never be needed or allowed.
Aelinor and Gendry do not sleep together, but they comfort each other with kind words.
• Lord Adian wants his sweet sister to kill Gendry. He thinks bastards shouldn't become lords.
Aelinor is confused. If they shouldn't become lords, then how come he let her marry him.
"Because, dear sister," Lord Adian says with a smile, "I would let anyone have you if it meant my reward would be grander."
He thinks that if Gendry dies, Aelinor will have Storm's End, and Lord Adian will become Lord of Storm's End.
• Aelinor knows well that her brother loves power more than anything, more than his lady wife and the children they share. There are times where she thinks it was him who killed their brother, and after him wording that he wanted Gendry dead, she doesn't question that it was him who caused their brother's death.
She goes against her brother's wish and tells Gendry about what her brother has planned. Together, they come up with something to get rid of Lord Adian. Perhaps, it's murder. Or treason. Who knows??

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