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TITLE | Foreigner's GodOC NAME | Elisaveta Petrova/Elisabeth "Elisa" PierceFACE CLAIM | Anna Silkor Melanie Scrofano SEASON(S) | S2LOVE INTEREST | Elijah MikaelsonSUMMARY |

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TITLE | Foreigner's God
OC NAME | Elisaveta Petrova/Elisabeth "Elisa" Pierce
FACE CLAIM | Anna Silk
or Melanie Scrofano
LOVE INTEREST | Elijah Mikaelson

❝She moves with shameless wonder; the perfect creature rarely seen. Since some liar brought the thunder when the land was godless and few.❞

In which the eldest Petrova would do anything for her sister, even if it means heartbreak and deceive.


• Elisaveta is the eldest Petrova child, the first out of five daughters and one son. As the eldest, she took care of each and every of her siblings, and knew them just as much a mother is supposed to know about their child. She knew that her brother, Dmitri, enjoyed the occasional honeyed apples that their mother made every fortnight, and would always take an extra slice before bed. She knew Vanya enjoyed the scent of her rose water and almond oil perfume, even though she claimed she detested it. She knew Milena loved to sing when she did her chores, always a soft melodywhenever she moved around. And out of all her siblings, she knew Katerina the most.
Her youngest sister, the rebellious one with a streak to go against their fathers words far too often than Elisaveta liked. Katerina enjoyed to get their father red in the face, but even then she was just a girl. She knew little of the world, just enough about it from stories and books. Which is why she immediately took liking to the new group of people that arrived in town. Especially one of the boys, Teodor Musil.
Elisaveta didn't like the boy, thought he was too dangerous to be around her youngest sibling. Especially a group of Romani that enjoyed to speak tales of the dead for a few gold coins.
• When Katerina revealed that she might be pregnant, Elisaveta was furious. She demanded to know how could she be so careless, so stupid, so immature to allow this boy to get her pregnant.
"What will Father say when he hears of this?" Elisaveta seethed between her teeth. She took a step back and closed her eyes, trying her best to compose herself. The sight of her youngest sibling didn't make her feel happy, but annoyed and angry. She wanted to know how could Katerina been so careless with just a boy that would leave as soon as his group got enough money.
"Please," Katerina pleaded in a soft voice. "Don't tell Father."
Elisaveta scoffed and opened her eyes. "I do not need to tell him anything, dear sister, he will find out himself..." She trailed off and glanced down at her sisters flat stomach. In a few months, it would grow big. There wouldn't be a way to hide it behind her dresses. She looked up at her sisters dark coloured eyes. "I wonder what he will do to that child once it's born."
Katerina took a step back and laid her hands on her stomach, protectively. "Please, Elisaveta!" Her voice was soft, like the gentle meow of the cat they used to have as children.
"I won't do anything," Elisaveta announces, holding her head high. She saw the look of relief appear on her sisters face, and raise her hand to silence her. "You will tell him yourself."
• Although Elisaveta adored her siblings, she did everything her parents said. She loved them, she admired them, and she wanted to be as strong as her father. A merchant, in other words, to explore the world and use her voice to get the best prices in everything. She could do it right there, with a bat of her lashes and gentle moves of her hand and little smiles and laughs filled with sweetness. She wanted to be like her mother, a force to be reckoned with. Tall and proud, like a tree.
• Elisaveta wasn't a saint, even though her parents thought she was the sweetest thing out of their brood of children. She knew her way around the bed, knew how to get men to do her bidding, and was the topic of jealous gossip of women whose husbands enjoyed to stare after Elisaveta as she passed by them on the street. She enjoyed her femininity, took advantage of it.
It was no wonder how her youngest sibling always stuck to her like a chick to its mother hen. She was watching, learning.
• After the birth of Katerina's child, a daughter, it was announced that Katerina would no longer live with them. She would be sent to England to find a worthy husband, to erase the shame she had brought to her family by having a child out of wedlock. Elisaveta took this as an opportunity, and convinced her father to allow her to leave with Katerina. She would make sure she behaved, and find a worthy suitor for the youngest child, and she would send letters of everything that occurred. Lies. Pretty lies that her Father wanted to hear, all because she wanted to leave the town and find new beginnings in a far away land.
Her father agreed.
• Elisaveta arrives at England with Katerina in tow, a pretty smile on her pink lips as she breathes in the difference in the air. Her father had connections as a merchant, and some duchess had allowed the daughters of Gregor Petrov to stay in her castle. They would be like her family. Elisaveta was joyous. She had her own bedroom, and a waiting staff, and the finest dresses and jewellery. This duchess treated them kindly, like the daughters she never had. The elderly duchess had only sons, a blessing to many noble families, but she had always wished for a daughter. And these two girls would fit perfectly.
• They are invited to balls and parties by other English royalty, and Elisaveta cannot wait to go. Katerina, on the other hand, feels strange. She had given birth a few months prior and she wanted nothing more but to return home to her mother, have her mother caress her and make for her the sweet milk tea.
Elisaveta keeps telling Katerina that they can't return to Bulgaria, not after their father's anger subsided. It could take many more months, perhaps even years.
"You can only blame yourself, Katerina," Elisaveta hissed as she stared at herself in the mirror. "If you had not gotten pregnant, you wouldn't be here."
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Katerina spat. She sat at the edge of the bed, her hands on top of her lap as she playing with a silver ring the duchess had given her. "You always wanted to leave home."
Elisaveta twirled and fixed the golden necklace to lay perfectly on top of her breasts. "And thanks to you, I left." Her smile was wide and wolfish, like a queen that had sang a tune and all had to worship it. "You can only blame yourself for this, sweet sister. I simply took advantage."
Katerina's mouth fell open. She always thought her eldest sister loved her more than any of their siblings. They way she spoke of their situation made her stomach clench, made her want to run out of Elisaveta's chambers and puke. How could her dear eldest sister be so cruel?
• At the ball, Elisaveta dances with every suitor. She smiles prettily and bats her long lashes, she bows and licks her lips whenever she took notice of their stares. There was one man who didn't look at her the same as the others. He was handsome, with golden hair and eyes the colour of the sea. This man danced with Katerina.
Elisaveta moves towards her sister with a cup of French wine in hand. Her cheeks were rosy and warm, and she hoped her lips had taken a bit of the colour of the wine. She held her head high as she took a stand by her sister.
"Elisaveta," Katerina hummed with a grin. "This is the man who invented us to the party."
The man looked towards her. Elisaveta swore she had never seen such a charming man, especially with the way his lips smoother to one side and the blue in his eyes flickered gold with the fire nearby. She licked her lips and sent him a smile. "Elisaveta," she greeted with a bow.
The man nodded and bowed in front of her. "Niklaus Mikaelson," he said. "But, please, call me Klaus."
• Klaus and Elisaveta become infatuated with each other. They sneak glances and flirt with each other with banter. By the end of the night, they are kissing in the gardens of the castle. Klaus has her pressed against the wall as he kisses her harshly, almost desperate to feel a hint of warmth.
Elisaveta feels free. She doesn't have to sneak around her parents or siblings, and she loses herself in Klaus's touch.
• It takes several weeks for Elisaveta to realise that the family living in that castle are not human. Elijah and Klaus are inhuman, demons who fed from blood. She is terrified of them, so she tries to run away. It's Elijah who calms her, tells her that no harm will come to her or her sister.
"You are a monster," Elisaveta hisses as she presses herself closer to the wall. "I cannot trust you!"
"I may be a monster, but I will not harm you or your sister."
In that small but significant moment, Elisaveta feels more close to Elijah than towards Klaus. Unlike the man she had been infatuated with, he is king and gentle and smiles more. He even laughs.
• It takes her days to warm up to them, even to the man she had become infatuated with.
• One night, Katerina runs into Elisaveta's chambers. She's breathing hard and sweating, tears falling helplessly down her cheeks.
"Elisaveta!" she cries, running to her sisters arms. "We need to get out of here!"
"What's wrong?" Elisaveta asks, laying her hands on her sisters cheek. "Katerina, what is wrong?"
"They want to kill me," she says quickly. "Klaus-Klaus wants to kill me! He says that it will break some spell his mother put on him. That only my death can break it!"
Elisaveta pushes her sister behind her and she glances around the room. She grabs a sharp and jewelled dagger that the duchess has given her. "Let's go," she says as she grabs her sister's hand and runs out the door. They run quickly through the castle, out the gardens, and towards wherever else they think they can be safe. The woods.
When they hear the calls for Katerina coming from Elijah's mouth, Elisaveta pushes her sister forward.
"Go!" she hisses. "Run!"
Katerina stops and reaches for her hand. "I cannot leave you behind!"
"Save yourself, Katerina!" Elisaveta hisses as she grabs her sister by her shoulders. "Run as far as you can and hide. Find help. I will stop them from getting to you."
"What about you?" Katerina breathes hard. "I cannot leave you behind, Elisaveta."
"You can," she says. She grabs her by the cheeks and lays a kiss on her forehead. "You will run far from here, and you will save yourself. Do whatever you can to survive, sweet sister." She stares into her sister's eyes and gives her a smile. "Better others die than you, understand me?"
Elisaveta pushes her sister forward and stands back, watching her sister disappear between the trees. When she turns, Elijah stands before her. "What have you done?"
"I have helped my sister survive," Elisaveta says, holding her head high. "I will do anything for my sister to survive." She grips the jewelled dagger tight and plunges it into Elijah's stomach.
Elijah stumbles back, but quickly pulls out the dagger. "This won't stop me, Elisaveta." He let it fall to the ground and sighed, staring at the young girl with a frown. "Klaus wants her."
"Klaus will not get her." Elisaveta growls her words like a wolf, her anger a living void inside of her. "Klaus will never get my sister, Elijah. I will make sure of that."
"Elisaveta, please."
She takes a step back. "You said you would not harm my sister," she cries, shaking her head. Her breathing was ragged and her heart beat wildly against her chest. She felt every kind of emotion around her, like the thrumming of the music at the balls she had attended. It felt like Elijah was betraying her.
He frowned. "I'm sorry."
Elisaveta glares at him, and then her eyes fell on the jewelled knife on the ground. She grabbed it quickly and held it up to her neck. "My life for hers," she said. The sharp end brushed against her skin harshly with the hard hold she had. She felt a gentle trickle dance down her neck.
Elijah stared at her. "Put down the dagger," he calmly said. His eyes stayed glued on the knife, to the gentle trickle of blood, and then to her face. "Please, put it down."
"My life," she said between her teeth, "for my sister's."
"It cannot be that way!" Elijah said, almost a plead. "Katerina is the doppelgänger my brother has been waiting for, for the last 500 years. He will not let her go alive, Elisaveta."
"What would you do for your brother?" she asked.
Elijah stared, mouth dry. "Everything."
Elisaveta's hand shook. "I would do the same for my sister." She slid the knife across her throat, giving herself a necklace of rubies.
• She woke up a few hours later with an incredible amount of thirst, in the bedroom that belonged to her in the castle. Elijah sat across from the bed, angry.
Klaus walks in and he is also angry, to the point where he wraps his hand around her throat and chokes her. "Do you know what you have done?"
"I saved my sister," Elisaveta breathed.
Klaus laughed and let go of her neck. "Yes, you have saved your sister. Congratulations, Elisaveta." He turned and stared at his brother for a moment, and then looked back at the eldest Petrova. "And you have doomed your entire family. Tell me, how would Katerina feel when she sees that her whole family has been slaughtered?"
Elisaveta became speechless.
• At night, it is Elijah that frees her. He tells her to run after her sister, who has tried to return to home to Bulgaria.
It's the first time Elisaveta kisses him, and she notes that his lips are much warmer and gentler than Klaus'.
• Elisaveta finds Katerina in a small town in the borders of Bulgaria. They are both undead, something that takes both of them by surprise. But they are reunited, and that is all that matters. They see the massacre when they return home, and Elisaveta vows to protect her sister. Katerina vows the same.
• They spend all of the time together, both becoming more ruthless.
When they arrive at Mystic Falls, Elisaveta is now known as Elisabeth Pierce, called Elisa by those that she is close with. Her sister is now Katherine.
Elisabeth spends her time with both Salvatore brothers, knowing well enough that her sister was doing the same. She preferred Damon, the eldest, with his dashing blue eyes and the way he would kiss her body. And for a while, she loved him too. Not as fiercely as he loved her, but a reminder that there was love in the world.
And even though she was with him, all she could think about was Elijah.
• Katherine betrays her sister. Elisabeth is one of the vampires to be trapped beneath the church. She curses at her sister, but admired her all the same. After all, she would have done the same.
• The next time Elisabeth drinks blood, she opens her eyes and sees the eldest Salvatore brother standing before her. He takes her out of the church in his arms, and glares at his brother when he tells her to leave Elisa there. She is a Pierce, she is bound to be exactly like her sister.
• The first time she sees Elena, she speeds towards her and grabs her by the neck.
But, the way she speaks and the way she acts, she can see that this person that looks just like her sister is not her. That is when she remembers the words Elijah had told her, about doppelgängers and her sister being one. This girl must have been the next one.
• Elisa is very confused by this century, and how different it is. She quickly become accustomed to it, wearing tight jeans and revealing shirts. This century feels a bit more free than the others, and she excels in that.
• Come her sister and she feels both betrayed and saddened. She both loved and hates her sister.
• And when Elijah returns, she feels as if nothing could go back to the way it was. She feels like she loves him, but perhaps not enough to erase the past.

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