BirthDay Invitation

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So it's his first Christmas with Jihyun, Jimin is now in the cake shop, ofcourse he has to order a strawberry one. It's quite amazing that the celebration time this year is starting with the Christmas and will end with Jihyun's Birthday, 3rd of January. Jimin was thinking of throwing a Christmas party for his daughter but she suggested otherwise. She told to throw a birthday party instead, she wants to invite her schoolmates. Then it hit Jimin that her birthday is in January 1st week, yes he forgot his daughter's birthday, he needs to grow up more as a father. It's even crazier how much Jihyun got matured within months, she herself was able to do good in academics, befriended with her new classmates, adapted with Tokyo lifestyle, learning Japanese in amazing speed. She is the best daughter one can ask for, she is really well rounded, just like Jeongyeon.


This name !!! Even the mere mention of it or even when a thought of her pops up in Jimin's mind for a millisecond, his world seems to stop for a while. He thought Tokyo would make it easy for him to get rid of his feelings for her but it didn't happen. He never talked with her for more than 1 minute after coming back, only formal greetings. Jeongyeon obviously got the hint, she now calls only Taehyung. His bestie is irritated with Jimin for his behavior, even little Jihyun sensed the tension between him and Jeongyeon. The child doesn't force him to join in video call anymore. Initially she used to talk about Jeongyeon a lot, but these days she seldom mentions her. Jimin knows it's not right, Jihyun should be free around him about anything, anyone. But what should he do? He hasn't been able to erase those feelings yet, he is scared if he stays in touch with her, he won't be able to hide them forever. This will lead to further complications. He gets nightmares about the day when Jeongyeon will invite them in her wedding and he will have to go, when he will have to see her to be someone else's. Park Ji Min is still not ready for that.

"Sir your cake", the shopkeeper hands him the box.

"Oh, yes", Jimin takes it with a smile and opens the lid to check.

"Excuse me"

"Yes sir, any problem?", the shopkeeper asks.

"I ordered for strawberry but it's a chocolate one !!", Jimin shows the lady.

"Oh, I am so sorry sir, may be the gentleman before you, picked up the wrong one", the shop owner replies with a embarrassed tone.

"Oh", Jimin makes a disappointed face.

"Sir, he just went out, you may find him ouside", the shop keeper suggests.

"Okay", Jimin speeds up and comes out of the shop. His eyes roams from one corner to other and spots a figure with a same cake box, calling for a taxi.

"Excuse me, Mr...", Jimin shouts and to his surprise, the man turns out to be none other than Im Jae Bum.

"Park Ji Min !!!", Jaebum is equally surprised.

"Hey, Merry Christmas", Jimin extends his hand for a shake with a smile.

"Oh yes, Merry Christmas", Jaebum shakes his hand.

"You? Here?", Jimin asks.

"Yes, work. What else?", Jaebum let's out a small laugh.

After so many months, it feels a bit awkward between these two.

"Come home, it's not very far from here, Jihyun will be happy to see you", Jimin proposes.

"Thanks man, but I fear it's not possible for me. I have a meeting right now then I have to run to the airport", Jaebum says with a smile.

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