Ashten still wasn't quite sure how she ended up being the one tasked with coordinating the whole thing but she was pretty sure his name started with a T and ended with an ommy.  Nonetheless, she sat at one of the tables in the iHeart Radio booth opposite Tommy and Nikki while she read over the finalized food list the caterer emailed her.  She scrolled through the document and attempted to email it back with her stamp of approval when Tommy's computer locked up on her for the umpteenth time that week. 

Frustrated, Ashten sighed through her nose and tried not to make any noise while waiting for the hard drive to reboot.   She took a swig from her water bottle then rested her elbows on the table with her chin cradled in her fists.  Her bottom lip was trapped between her teeth while she half listened to the interview and stared at the blank screen in front of her.  Just as the monitor turned from black and flashed the Apple logo, her phone buzzed in her pocket.  Luckily, she'd remembered to keep it on silent so as not to disturb the guys while they were on air.  She looked down at the incoming text message.

Nikki: Get that fucking lip out of your teeth. 

Ashten released her pout from her teeth and pursed her lips, hiding them behind her fists in an attempt to conceal the smile she felt creeping across her face.  She dared to shoot her eyes over at Nikki who gave her a sideways glance, his knee bouncing under the table while Tommy talked.  She glanced back at the laptop and watched it slowly start to boot up while listening to the banter between the guys and the DJ. 

The interview seemed to be going well.  There was a lot of laughter, which was always a good sign.  The guys fielded the usual questions, talked about the tour and the upcoming album before the interviewer opened it up to take questions from callers.  Ashten rolled her tube of vanilla lip balm across her plump mouth while Tommy answered a question.  Recapping the stick and tossing it into her bag she met eyes with Nikki again, his eyes darkening as his gaze dropped to her mouth.

She felt the corners of her lips curve up slightly as she turned back to the computer display.  She knew that look.  Nikki was horny.  Again.

Ashten had no idea what was up with him lately but he seemed to have a constant erection and anything she did turned him on like a light switch.  If she didn't know any better she would swear he'd been snorting Viagra. 

Not that she minded.  Sex with Nikki wasn't exactly torture and he definitely wasn't the only one with the healthy libido but, damn.  She hadn't walked straight in a few weeks.

After finally getting the computer to cooperate, Ashten sent the approved catering menu back to the hotel coordinator and then focused her attention on her email.  She propped her elbow up on the table and cradled her chin back in the palm of her hand while she hovered over the laptop touch pad to scroll.  She was looking for one message in particular which was supposed to contain Tommy's medical records she had requested a few days prior.  Just as she found the email she was looking for she heard a question directed at Nikki.

"Hi Nikki! I'm Stacy from South Beach. I love you and have been a huge fan forever!" The excited female caller gushed over the phone.

"Thank you," Nikki smiled graciously as he always did.  It's not like he hadn't heard this thousands of times over the years.

"So, I was curious," the caller continued with a giggly voice.  "Are you currently single and if so what kind of girl are you looking for?" 

Ashten cocked her eyebrow at the computer.  Interesting question.

"I'm not looking." Nikki replied matter of factly.

"So you are with someone?" The DJ prodded to which Nikki simply took a swig of his water and shrugged with an impish glint in his eye.

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