False Alarms

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May 30

Everything is slowly coming back to normal. I'm back in my own house & the kids are here & still love their daddy. I still love Jacob, too but still definitely still have my doubts. I wanted to go to counseling but he shut that down as quick as he could. He said that he didn't have a problem & that he was fine. But I don't ever want a repeat of what happened in the past 2 months. I'm now 6 weeks pregnant & still not showing that much. I'm happy about that because I want to be my size for as long as possible before this baby stretches my body out again. My kids don't know about the pregnancy yet but probably in 3 weeks, they'll see my stomach & ask about it. It's just a normal day today. I called Nicole over & we just hung out. Theresa wanted to see the kids today so I happily gave them over to her for the day so Nicole & I could just rest. Even though Theresa wasn't A'Brianna's grandmother, she dropped her off with her, too. Thankfully, she didn't mind. She said that all of them were angels anyway. If only she really knew what went on at home. Jacob & August went out to dinner & should be back in a few minutes.

"Babes, do you have any popcorn & pickles?" Nicole asked.
"Yeah, I should. How do you eat pickles? Those are gross," I told her.
"Every pregnant woman eats pickles," she said.
"Well, not this one. I didn't even eat them when I was pregnant with the twins," I laughed.
"You weren't pregnant by Jacob then. You had an Immaculate Conception!" she laughed.
"Shut your stupid ass up!" I giggled.
"Every pregnant person eats pickles. Even the pregnant man ate pickles. I know he did!" she exclaimed.
"Those hormones are getting to you, woman," I said.
"No, they're not. They're getting to you because you won't eat a pickle!"
"Well, excuse me then," I snapped playfully.
"Your excused, pickle hater," she said, mumbling the last part.
"I heard that, Mrs. Puff," I said, getting up to get her popcorn & pickles.
"What did you even crave when you were pregnant, anyways?" she asked curiously.
"Green beans & ice cream," I replied.
"Matter of fact, I'm hungry for ice cream now. Can you get me some ice cream now, too?"
"Matter of fact, you're eating this popcorn & pickles," I said, sarcastically.
"Thanks so much, smartass," she rolled her eyes.
"You're welcome, dear," I said, fake smiling.

I held the pickle jar by the fingertips of my oven mitts & threw them to her. She caught them laughing. There was something in her eyes that said to run & I did. She cackled while she got up & chased me with an open pickle jar. Talk about scared for my life. Those things stink & are messy as hxll. We ran around the kitchen about twice before she got tired & told me to walk around so she could keep up. I speed walked around & she somehow gained some speed. She played me. I started running & she laughed knowing that I knew what she tried to do.

"You thought you were slick, Nicole!" I said, panting heavily.
"I thought I had you, you little fxcker!"she said, still running after me.
"Haha!" I laughed.
"Maya... Maya... Stop!" she said, slowing down.
"I'm not falling for that again, Nicole!" I laughed.
"No, seriously... I think the baby's coming!" she exclaimed.
"What?" I stopped in my tracks. "What do you mean? You're only 6 months pregnant! That's too early!" I screamed.
"I know but that's not stopping anything, now is it?!" she screamed, clutching her stomach.
"Right, right. Uhhhh, grab my arm & we'll walk out to the car," I suggested, holding my arm out.

Worst mistake ever. She has an iron grip on my arm & it hurts like hxll. I'm still pregnant, you know. So am I supposed to experience this much pain? I need to use any excuse I can it get out if this because this right here, is pain. I try to loosen her grip but it only gets tighter. These stupid contractions need to lay off, for real. When I finally get this killer in the passenger's seat, my arm is dxmn near bruised. I run around to the driver's seat & head to the hospital. I take out my phone & call August & I swear to the dear Lord himself, if this nxgga doesn't answer his phone, he will die today.

"Hello," August asks.
"Hey, your wife is giving birth to your child so if you could come down to the hospital, that'd be great," I told him.
"She's WHAT?!" he screamed.
"You heard me loud & clear, do you wanna talk to her?"
"Nevermind that idea, okay? Just come down to the hospital, okay? Okay," I said.
"Which one?" he asked frantically.
"The one you were born in," I hang up.

God, please don't let me die because I'm driving at like 80 mph in a 40 mph zone for this girl & I wreck, we're all dead. Nicole's gasping, groaning, & grunting, holding her stomach as tight as she could without hurting the oncoming baby. I finally get her to calm down & tell her to breathe deeply in & smoothly out. Every time she feels a contraction, she breathes in as deep as she can & blows it out. In 10 long minutes, we finally made it to the hospital. Helping Nicole out of the car, we get into the desk as quick as we possibly could. I tell the lady at the desk what's going on & she gets a wheelchair & some backup nurses to wheel her to the birth & delivery floor. She comes back & tells me to sit in the waiting room. I don't want to but I don't want to make a scene so I obeyed. A few minutes later, August & Jacob comes running through the hospital doors. August goes straight to the front desk as Jacob hugs me, asking about Nicole. I tell him that she went into labor & he nodded but then his face scrunched up in confusion.

"Wasn't she only 6 months?" he asks.
"Yeah, she's early," I say.
"What happened to your arm?" he asks, concerned.
"Nicole," I said back.
"Oh," he replied.

When the nurse finally gets August settled down, he sits beside us, breathing heavily. He was yelling & screaming at the nurse to tell him where she was & everything. It took like 2 doctors to hold him down. They almost had to knock him out but he calmed down at the last minute.


They let us in to see her & pain was plastered all over her face. She put a smile on her face when she saw us walk in the room. August goes to her side & kisses her forehead. I blow her a kiss & she playfully catches it. Jacob puts a kiss on her cheek & pats her shoulder sympathetically. The doctor comes back in with a clipboard & smiles at everyone. She looks at Nicole & August & tells them that she's in pretty good health.

"Well, Nicole is fine. Nothing is wrong with you, dear," the doctor tells us.
"So, what's wrong with me?" Nicole asked.
"Well, you didn't actually go into labor..." the doctor trails off.
"What are you talking about?" Nicole asked.
"What you had were Braxton Hicks contractions. Those are false contractions that get the body ready for the real thing. They don't get closer together over time & they will go away with rest. You are fine & need to rest. I'll let you out with your discharge papers. There should be a wheelchair for you here in a few," the doctor said.
"Thank you, ma'am," Nicole said.
"You're welcome, honey," she said, exiting the room.
"That was scary," I said.
"I know. I thought the baby was coming," Nicole laughed nervously.
"No because on the ride here, I thought I was going to die. She had me going 80 mph in a 40 mph zone," I said.
"Shut up!" Nicole snickered.
"But I really am glad you're okay, boo," I said.
"Me, too, bae," she said back.
"You cheating on me now?" August said playfully.

I wanted to laugh but I couldn't. Jacob saw my discomfort & put his hand on my leg & mouthed a 'sorry'. I shrugged him off & he smiled sadly. August saw what happened & apologized. I told him it was okay & that I'd be leaving. He gave me & hug & quick cheek kiss & I gave Nicole & hug & blew her another kiss. I rubbed her stomach & told the baby not to give her mommy any problems. She giggled & blew a kiss back & I caught it.

No song this time because none really fit this time. What did you think about false labor aka Braxton Hicks contractions? Vote, comment, read. Lol deuces loves✌️❤️


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