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"Baby cakes!" screamed Nicole.

"Hey boo!" I yelled back.

Nicole is my best friend, even though she's damn near my complete opposite. I guess what they say is true. Opposites attract. Anyways, I can literally hear the words, "You wanna go out tonight?" come out her mouth already. She asks me that every weekend, knowing good & well that I'm not going anywhere 10 feet outside of my house. I just don't feel the need to do that. Going clubbing & getting drunk isn't my idea of a fun weekend. It's just not.

"Soooooo...." she says, trying hard to break the ice.

"No," I say sternly.

"Whyyy?" she whines.

"Girl, you know why! That's not something I want to do! Then you know every time I go somewhere I'm not supposed to be, I end up in serious trouble," I stress.

"If you don't calm your titties already," she barked. "You need to stop being so fxcking uptight. Maybe if you'd go with me, you could find the man of your dreams."

"More like man for the night," I mutter.

She rolled her eyes & puffed out some smoke. Did I mention that she's smoking? I wave my hand in front of my face, attempting to keep some of the smoke from reaching my lungs.

"Dxmn, can you give me a chance to not have cancer?" I snap.

"Sorry, not sorry," she replies, shrugging & smirking.

It's my turn to roll my eyes & blow out some air. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't do anything that most 21 year old women do. In fact, Nicole tells me that I act like a 10 year old school girl. I don't necessarily believe that but it makes does me wonder every once & a while, you know?

"Am I really that much of a good girl?" I asked shyly.

"YES!" Nicole screams. "I've been trying to make you see that from day 1! Did you finally see the light? Praise the Lord!"

I laugh at her comment while deciding if I really should go out with her tonight. If I go, I could get drunk & something bad could happen. But on the flip side, I could really let loose & have fun for the first time since prom. Ugh. This is so hard. Should I pick feeling over reason?

"Are you constipated?"


I look at her like she grew four boobs.

"Are. You. Constipated?" she asks for the second time.

"No. Why would you say that?"

"Because your face was all scrunched up like you had to poop," she giggles.


"Well, what the hell was wrong with you?" she urges.

"I was thinking," I said bluntly.


"Whether I should go with you or not," I blurt out.

She squeals & tells me that if I even think about it, that we're making progress. Listening to her talk about all the guys she's met because of partying makes it harder to concentrate. I tell her goodbye as I walk to my car.

"Where are you going?" she yells.

"Somewhere quieter," I reply as I get into the car.

Next thing you know, I'm in my room, wondering again.

Hey guys, I'm back with a new one. If you liked the other book, please, please, please comment on it because I don't plan on doing normal updates for a while but I'll make an exception for anyone who says something. So yeah. Deuces loves✌️❤️


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