Meeting Him

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Getting in was easy because ladies got in free before 10:00. When I stepped foot into the club, all I could see was craziness. There were people on the dance floor, dancing & grinding whoever they could find. Then there were people at the bar, gulping down drinks two at a time then yelling for a refill. People were sitting at tables, making out, dry humping, & some sober people just talking. I wonder if I could sit with them. The lights were blinding while the building was dxmn near pitch black. As I followed Nicole, she got us 2 seats at the bar & ordered us 2 drinks called 'Sex On the Beach'. It wasn't bad but it wasn't necessarily good either. I went ahead & drank the rest of it, considering that I didn't pay for it & I didn't want to waste anything. By the time I looked up from my glass, Nicole was gone. Like lost in the crowd gone. I didn't want to get out of my chair because I didn't want to go through all these people. To be honest, I was quite nervous. But after sitting there for 10 minutes, I faced my fear & decided to go onto the dance floor. I had no idea what in the world I was doing for a second until I felt 2 hands grab onto my hips. His front was almost thrusting into my ass & I started to push against it unknowingly. The person groaned & pulled me back into himself again. I started to grind my hips & feel the music. At first, I was a bit stiff but after getting my rhythm down pat, it became easy. We did this for a while until I felt I had enough. I removed the person's hands & started to walk off the floor but an arm stopped me from leaving. A deep, sultry, & heavily accented voice invaded my ears as I stopped in my tracks.

"Mamí, let me buy you a drink," the voice whispered.

Even though I already had a drink, I wasn't going to pass this opportunity up. Nicole would be proud. I was lead to the bar again & ordered the 'Sex On the Beach' for the second time in a row. The man sat beside me with some kind of other drink in his hand. I took a good look at him & wished that I would've did that a long time ago. He was the definition of a foreign beauty. He was a sexy little enchilada. He had curly, dark hair that was in an afro, & his face practically screamed Mexican descent. His eyes were dark with lust, his nose was round & pointy at the same time, & his lips were luscious & full, while his teeth were perfectly straight & strikingly white. Wow. Why would someone like him want to dance with someone like plain ole me? Maybe he didn't see my face with it being dark in here. I wonder if he--

"Do you like what you see, sweetheart?" he inquired cheekily.

I realized I was staring & looked away, mumbling a "Yes," thinking that he didn't hear me. He chuckled & smirked at me.

"You're a bold one, aren't you?"

I looked at him funny at first but when I put 2 & 2 together, I started blushing like a fool. I apologized so quick that he had to stop me before I kept going. I've never felt so embarrassed. He took my hand in his & brought it up to his mouth to kiss. I flushed at the romantic gesture & took another sip of my drink to cool myself down.

"Jacob's the name, beautiful & may I ask yours?"

"My name's Maya. Nice to meet you."

"You, too. I know it's kinda early for this but may I have your number? You caught my eye & don't want to let you get away."

I smiled but realized that we're at a club. I wonder how many girls he's already said that to.

"How many girls have you said that to tonight?" I smirked.

"You're actually the first one," he says. "And hopefully the last," he mumbles.

I blush for what seems like the one millionth time tonight & use his words against him.

"Who's the bold one now?" I ask.

"Touché," he replies.

"Let me see your phone," I say.

He hands me the phone & I put myself under 'Maya😍😍'. I hand him his phone back & tell him that I put it in there. He looks at it & says,

"That'll never do."

I give him a confused look as he changes my contact name. He turns his phone towards me to see the change. My number is now under 'Future Wifey💍👅💦😍'. I laugh at the change & he looks at me funny.

"What?" he asked.

"You're confident about this, aren't you?"

"Yes. Did you think that I was playing?" he cocked his head at me.

"Well, yeah. I mean, you don't even know me."

"That's going to change soon, isn't it?"

"You're a man full of questions."

"Yes, I am, & don't change the subject, bonita."

I took 4 years of Spanish so he's not slick with the sly compliments, not that I'm complaining or anything. He smiled that million dollar smile, hoping that I got what he said. I rolled my eyes playfully, showing that I understood. He smiled, too, then turned serious.

"You really are beautiful & I want to take you out sometime," he said. "How about tomorrow?"

"Well, I don't think I'm doing anything so tomorrow it is."

"Good. Now let's get back on the dance so you can back that pretty little ass up on me again," he chuckled.

I laughed as he gently pulled me toward the dance floor again. Nicole came into my view & she was cheesing so hard that I had to laugh. She threw up 2 thumbs up & went back to talking with the man she was with. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

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