Date Day (Part 1)

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When I wake up, I yawn loudly, roll out of bed, & stumble my way downstairs to the kitchen. Looking for the Lucky Charms, I bump my toe on the corner of my silverware drawer. Cursing loudly, I limp to the living room so I could try to make my toe feel better. I blow on it, caress it, even kiss it. It takes a few minutes but eventually, my toe feels better. I walk back to the kitchen to get my cereal & go back to my room. I turn the tv on to 'Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta'. After a while, all the arguing bores me & I get my phone from off the dresser. I open it & see that I have 17 messages. 14 from Nicole & 3 from Jacob. I open Nicole's first & find this.

'Hey babe. Guess whooooooo?👻👻👻👻'

'Did you know that whales are big?🐳🐳😂😂😂😂'

'I'm talking to August & his Chiroc!!!!🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸👳👳👳'

'Chiroc & cereal is good together, FYI 🍸🍸🍸'

'Why aren't you answering me?????😩😩😩'

'Pleaseeeeeeeeee answeeeeeerrrrrr meeeeeeeeee😖😖😖😖'

'Mane, FDB😤😡😠'

'Lol did you know what that meant?😧😧😧😧'

'I did. Heehee.😏😏'

'Im dead😵😵'

'Ctfu no I'm not😂😂😂😂😂👽👽👽'

'I wanna fuk my Auggie already👅💦🙊🔥😽'

'Lmao you wanna fuk em to😂😭😝😁😍😘😬😈🙈🙊💀👽🙌🙏👏👋💪🚶💃💏💑'

'I'm not drunk or anything ctfu soooooo bye bish jhffiyfutfykfgjcjvxfcjkhicjvj😂😩😁😝💪'

Something is wrong with her. When I'm done with her drunk ass texts, I open Jacob's.

'Hey boo😍😍 Did you have fun last night?'

'I hope you're up by 10:00 bc I planned to take you out to breakfast & keep you out all day. You know, if you don't mind...😅'

'Where do you live at? Unless you wanna meet up somewhere to go, which is fine by me bc I'm just wondering😁'

Awwww. He's so thoughtful that it's adorable. I text him back answering all of his questions.

'Yes, Jake. I had a lot of fun last night. I'm up & we can meet at Starbucks ☕️.'

I send it & go back to watching my show. It seems like as soon as I turn my head back, I got a response. Was he waiting on me?

'Good my dear, I'll see you at around 10😘'

I blush like crazy & he's not even here. This guy. It's 9:00 now, I'd better get ready.

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