Concept Twenty-Six:

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Promises Worth Keeping


Two boys hate each other; after a series of reckless attempts at trying to prove themselves of . . . Something, they end up trying to co-throw a party together, seeing who could organize it the best. During the party, tensions rise, they end up fighting, and in the midst of their fight, it escalates, someone comes in at the wrong time, and that person ends up dead.

Now forced to put their differences aside in order to keep a secret between the two of them, they struggle to avoid the pressure they feel from the authorities' investigation. That, and of course the fact that they now found themselves being blackmailed by a mysterious person who had known of the supposed murder.

Minor Information:

While not intentional, it pulls a resemblance to Pretty Little Liars. That show is also what I envisioned this story to be--sad, scary, mysterious, sexy, and slightly horrifying at parts.

I envision their relationship to kind of be, like . . . A Drarry fanfic (if you know what that is, and I'm assuming you do). This is an Enemies-to-Lovers trope story.

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