Concept Seventeen:

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Once Upon A Dream
Forever is With You


Stuck in a relationship that's a dying rose, only staying for his two kids, he silently wishes for a better life. One night, a strange little man comes along and offers him something better--the life his heart desires.

However, some things come as a shock and cause some heavy-hitting questions--such as why his parents are dead and why his children never even existed in this new world.

But, and this was a big one, why was he married to the quiet boy he used to see at his public library?

Minor Information:

The dream world is the world he's already in but reworked! The characters in his dream world exist in his real world, or at least the important ones do.

The dream world is "what his heart truly desires," but what's in his dream world causes heavy hitting questions; his parents are dead and he never had his children. 

With that, though, it should be noted that not everything is what his heart "truly desires." Some things are just what would have been necessary to cause the dream life--such as not having kids. He genuinely loves his kids more than himself, but his kids were the only thing that kept him with his wife for so long. No kids = no reason to stay = he would have been able to move on.

Lots of flashbacks with his real-life; some bittersweet (such as with his kids), some sweet (such as when he'd talk and unconsciously flirt with the quiet library boy), and some sad (such as the beginning of the real world relationship breaking).

His wife isn't a cunt; in the dream world and at the end of the story, she and her (ex) husband are best friends. She's meant to be really sympathetic; she's also stuck in the relationship, trying to light a match within water.

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