Concept Twelve:

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Blue Boy
The Shadows Creeping at Night


A boy has been following him for years now, ever since his early years of childhood. Ghost, that's what his childish mind deemed it to be. It was, at first, only slight glances in the corner of his eye, or a broad figure within the dark that could've been mistaken from a pile of clothes. As the years went on, when ten molded into thirteen, the boy evolved with him. No longer was it something easily doubted.

Now it was a boy. An older boy, a handsome one. He just watched the main character, standing at the top of the houses stairs, looking at him from his bedroom window. The ghost boy always looked so sad.

Then when thirteen grew into fifteen, the boy could talk. The pale boy was sad, and spoke in a funny way--it was almost as though he was reading poetry with the way the boy had a way with words. The ghost was no longer stuck to a room corner or the top step; when he could talk, he could walk. He followed the main character like a lost puppy. He didn't mind though, he was a lonely boy who found happiness in the fact at least someone, even if the someone was only a person he could see, wanted his company.

When fifteen went to sixteen, the ghost was no longer contained to the house, and the boy found himself falling for this ghost boy.

Minor Information:

I want it to be a Gothic romance. Paranormal stuff.

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