Concept Five:

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Similar Set of Traits
Bonnie and Clyde
Cinnamon Boys
Entwined Fingers
Burning Stars

Be The First Who Ever Did (Care For Me)


He didn't intend to get caught, it all seemed so easy in retrospect; key the fuckers car and run. And he did. But then some cunt must've seen through their peeking curtains what he did, what he etched into the pretty cars shining side door.

He didn't regret it one bit--if anything, he was upset he didn't do more. What he was upset with though was that someone somehow saw him. Who even is awake at four-thirty in the morning, looking through their blinds?

Despite his ass being thrown into juvey for a month, it was probably the best thing he did, and for multiple reasons.

The month went by within a single nights sleep, but throughout those fading hours, he met a boy.

That boy apparently pulled the fire alarm in his school and locked the main doors, all just for a day of chaotic fun. A bond was formed, both finding the only fun they could within juvey within each other. Once they got out, they burned the entire town down and watched it burn, just for fun.

Minor Information:

Possibly sociopaths or somewhere on the spectrum--they love each other a lot and care for each other, but over-all empathy is lacking and they have a lack of regard for authority or repercussions. 

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