Concept Nine Point Two:

92 5 0

(This concept is so similar to the other to the point it's essentially just a reworked version to make it sadder).


Sunday Morning
Feels Like Rain
Silence is Louder Than Thunder
Safe and Sound


With the untimely death of their nine-year-old son, two ex-lovers are reunited within their grief.

Minor Information:

It's a romance story full of sadness and laced in bittersweet feelings.

They've been seperated for eight years. The love interest (other father) hasn't seen the child for seven years. Explore the guilt he has of not being present within the childs life (and the guilt the MC feels for feeling as though he's responsible for the other man not seeing his child).

Lots of fighting followed by sex. Relationship feels unemotional and purely physical at first--they're merely being shallow company for each other at first.

Despite lots of sex, the relationship is a slow build-up. Start with lots of fighting followed by sex, then lots of fighting followed by no sex, then no fighting and lots of sex.

The "lots of fighting followed by no sex" is basically the fight-or-flight response they have to the quick, sudden feelings they have for each other again.

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