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Logan, after being imprisoned for three months, received his second visitor.  He was slightly shorter, yet noticeably older than Logan.  Leaving his two personal guards outside the cell, he went to greet Logan inside his cell.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Logan"

"Do I know you," Logan asked wearily.

"Why of course not," the man responded.

The man then added menacingly, "But I know you."

His smile returned and he rested his hand on Logan's shoulder.

"You see, my brother used to be a part of Team Rainbow."

"Used to be?"

"That's what I'm getting at.  He was one of the best if I do say so myself.  Until it happened.  They say he died but I know the truth."

Logan felt something penetrate his abdomen between his ribs. It burned.  Feeling liquid run down his side, he looked down and saw the hilt of a knife pressing against him. Looking back at his visitor, Logan saw that he had a large smile on his face.

"You captured him. You tortured him. You wanted information. The others would have put him out of his misery. But you, you wanted more."

He pressed the blade in deeper and twisted it causing Logan to stagger and grab onto his desk to avoid collapsing. His vision darkening, wishing to die, he spat at the man in front of him and smiled in the face of Death.

"I'll be back. Don't die now."

Logan fell back and passed out in a pool of his own blood.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading guys, Happy Halloween, and stay spooky! =)

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