Lions' Pride PT. 2

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I scanned for any bio rhythms amd quickly found Shiro and Sendak.

"Keith, Sendak's up and Shiro is down. We need to help." I said.

Keith couldn't agree more. We both acted fast, flying our lions towards Shiro and Sendak. The Black Lion roared and opened its mouth to let Keith out.

Keith didn't hesitate to jump out of his lion, sword in hand, and cut down Sendak.

Keith landed safely on the ground, not even looking back to see Sendak's form fall to the ground with a loud thud.

I jumped out of my lion and raced to Shiro and Keith, my powers ready to heal Shiro in any way.

"Thank you." Shiro said and smiled as Keith sat him up. Keith smiled back and I knelt down on my knees, placing my hands over his chest and letting my powers heal him.

A shadow covered us, actually a few. We looked up smiling at the other Lions hovering over us.

"We did it!" Pidge shouted excitedly.

"Earth is safe!" Hunk cried happily as he landed his Lion and rushed towards us.

I helped Keith stand Shiro up, but just then, my chest felt cold and burned. I placed my free hand over my heart.

"Something's wrong." I whispered, but Keith and Shiro heard me.

"What's wrong, Zurine?" Keith asked.

Boom! A loud bang echoed across the sky. We looked back up at the once blue endless sky and saw something new.

A large ball of fire was hurtling towards Earth, and I could tell that it wouldn't be helpful at all.

"No!" Allura growled.

"Paladins, brace for impact." Keith ordered, "Hunk, help me with Shiro. Zurine, get back to your lion and prepare for impact."

I nodded, handing Shiro over to Hunk and running back to my Lion. I quickly sat in my seat just as the unidentified object crashed into the surface.

There was a bright light and a large dome covering whatever had just landed on Earth. When it finally died down, we saw a new type of danger threatening us.

A large battle machine knelt dowm before us, it was almost like the robeasts we had fought before, but this one was different. It had a sense of purpose. As if it had a mission. And I believe I knwo what that mission was, but something off about this machine.

That dark, cold feeling in my chest, it was the same feeling I had whenever I felt the Dark One nearby.

"Hunk, get Shiro to the Atlas. We'll cover you." Keith said.

"Got it." Hunk replied.

The machine warrior hummed with rising energy, soft purple lights glowing as the warrior lifted its head and stood straight.

It raised its arm and began firing laser shots at us. We evaded the attack and flew into the air. Keith tried to retaliate with his own laser, but as he launched his attack, the beast raised its other arm and spun the lance it held rapidly, blocking the attack and shooting it off in different directions.

"That energy spectrum completely deflected our attack!" Allura pointed out.

"Shiro is abaord the Atlas." Hunk suddenly said.

We activated our jaw blades and went in for closer attacks, but sadly, we were not successful. I went in from underneath and behind, but somehow the beast spotted me and shot my lion.

My vision was blurred for a moment, but I shook it off and joined the battle as the others were covering Keith.

"Anyone have any idea where this thing cane from?" Hunk asked.

"No clue." Pidge replied.

The beast prepared to attack, aiming its lasers at the Yellow Lion.

"Hunk, watch out!" I shouted, knocking my lion into the Yellow Lion and taking the hit.

I screamed in pain, the cold feeling in my chest growing with each passing minute.

What was this thing? And where did it come from?

We tried attacking from all sides and corners, but the beast kept blockimg our every attack.

"We just defeated an entire Galra armada, and now this?" Allura shouted.

"Paladins...." Keith said, ""I know we're all in bad shape... but we have strength together. This is Earth. This is our home.. We're going to defend it."

"And we'll be by your side!" Coran suddenly shouted as the Atlas hovered behind us.

The Atlas open fired at the beast and covered the entire area around it with dust and dirt.

"Good to have you back, Atlas." Allura said.

All of a sudden, the enemy fired a large and powerful beam at the Atlas. The ship brought up its particle barrier, but the beam was too strong and tore through it like it was paper.

After the direct hit, we retaliated but with no results.

"Atlas, we need you to hold the beast back temporarily so we have time to form Voltron." Keith said as we kept on attacking, "It's the only way we're gonna beat this thing."

"Affirmative." Coran replied.

"Paladins, let's finish this fight."

We flew into the air and formed Voltron in record time. We flew back down through the clouds and fired our laser at the beast.

"Thanks for covering for us, Atlas." Keith said.

We landed on the ground and faced the beast, the beast adapted and formed two swords form its lance.

But as we sat in shock, I felt the Red and Green Lions hum in power. And I know that Pidge and Lance could feel the power too.

"Guys, my bayard port just opened." Lance said.

"Mine, too." Pidge added.

"Unlock it now!" I shouted.

The two paladins shouted and psuhed their bayards into the ports. I felt my own lion hum in power as the Green and Red Lions latched together.

A bright light engulfed the two and rested against our sides, holding twin blades in each hand. The beast ran up to us initiated the battle of swords.

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