Chapter 42 - The Shift

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Cahoots was now in full operation and patrons came out to explore the new menu as well as enjoy the atmosphere at Cahoots. Business was busier than ever with customers loving the new menu. Faith was extremely proud of her head chef and staff. As a successful owner, one would expect to see Faith relax and breathe a bit. But not Faith. She had her sights on February 14th.

Dana appeared from the hallway unwrapping her scarf from around her neck after pocketing her gloves. Erin and Mags stood behind the bar stocking bottles and washing glasses. Erin's face lit up as she watched Dana approach the bar.

Erin placed the glass in hand on the shelf next to the others. "Hey! I didn't expect to see you today. Do you have a shift today?"

Dana plopped on a bar stool blowing warm air into her cupped hands, "Nah. Payday." She then wrapped her pink fingers around a warm cup of coffee Mags slid in front of her. "Awe Mags, you're the best."

"Tell my husband that." Mags winked. "Valentine's Day is just around the corner."

"Speaking of which, It's still friggin winter out there. I think we'll be having a white Valentine's Day again this year. As if I needed another reason to dislike the Holiday.

Seeming disappointed Erin asked, "You don't like Valentine's Day?"

"I don't hate it. I just think it's another way to get people to buy shit. If you're in a relationship, God forbid you not do anything special for the other person or buy them candy, flowers or jewelry. Plus, I feel for people that aren't in a relationship. There is nothing for them. Only stuff for the couples." Dana finished.

Faith placed Dana's paycheck in front of her from behind. "And that's what we'll do Dana. That's such a great idea. We'll host a singles night here at Cahoots on Valentine's Day."

Dana stammered. "That's not what I was saying. I'm just not a big fan of the Holiday."

Faith grabbed a peanut from the bar, popped it into her mouth and countered, "Well, maybe you will be after you help coordinate and host the evening with these two gorgeous gals."

Back stepping the best she could Dana said, "Wha wha what? Come on Faith. Count me out of this one. I don't think I'd have a ton to contribute. I'm kinda negative about the whole Valentine's thing."

"Perfect. So are most single people. Tap into that. "Oh, by the way, I'll be gone that weekend, so Mike and the three of you will run things during that time." Faith began to walk back to the office.

"Come on boss," Dana whined. "I'm just going to be 'sour grapes' about this."

Staying in stride, Faith raised her arm with her thumb in the air. "See! Sounds like a great drink name to me."

Mags took out a notepad from behind the bar. On the top she wrote the words, "Sour Grapes" and underlined the letters. Dana looked at the paper, scoffed and said, "You're kidding me, right?"

Mags looked up at Dana without lifting her head. "What Faith wants Faith usually gets. Best not to fight it and get comfortable."

Dana removed her coat and placed it on the back of the stool. She took hold of the coffee cup and took a sip. "Well, at least my hands are warm cause this coffee isn't anymore." She complained.

Mags poured the cold coffee into the drain and filled the cup with hot coffee. "Suck it up Buttercup. Let's just knock it out and try to have a little fun while doin it."

Dana took a big gulp of her coffee. She extended her arm, cup in hand and said, "Then fill me up Buttercup. Might as well make the best of it. At least I'm in good company." She finished with a wink toward Erin. Erin returned the gesture with a smile.

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