Chapter 19 - Home

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Dana stood and greeted Faith as she entered her apartment.  Behind the stunning blonde followed the raven haired beauty.  Samantha looked like a damp rag as she stepped just inside the door.

Grabbing Faith's hand and giving a gentle squeeze, Dana silently mouthed the words, "Thank You."

In response, Faith simply blinked her eyes and gave a soft smile.

After Samantha closed the door, she turned to immediately face Dana.  Her eyes dropped to the floor as she took a step to maneuver around Dana further into the apartment.  Her path was cut short as Dana stepped in front of her and firmly took hold of Sam's shoulders.

"And You!  Don't you ever pull this shit again!  Do you know that I called your parents?  Jesus Sam!... I called everyone!  We looked everywhere!  I thought maybe something happened to you.  I've been worried sick!  You know... a lot of people are worried.  Now I need to get on the damn  phone and call everyone and let them know that you're OK... that your phone just died... not You!  For God's sake Sam... now I need to call your mom and let her know you're OK and listen to that woman preach at me again!  In fact, you can call your mom!  Don't you ever do this to me again!" 

Dana felt Samantha waver, the weight of her shoulders in her hands became heavy. Dana softened her demeanor. "Look at me Sam..."

Samantha lifted her head.  Tears streamed down her face.  The deep amber within her eyes wept tears of shame and brokenness.

Samantha's voice barely whispered, "I'm sorry.  I'm so, so sorry." 

Without hesitation, she dropped her head once again as if it was too heavy to hold.  She leaned her body toward Dana instinctively.  Having seen how exhausted and disjointed Samantha was not only physically, but emotionally as well, Dana took and wrapped her arms around Sam.  "What is it Sam?  What happened?  I just got so worried.  My mind was playing out scenerios of what might have happened to you."

Dana made her way to the living room with Sam still wrapped in her arms.  The two roommates sat on the couch while Faith came and sat on the coffee table facing them.  Dana looked into Faith's eyes that were welling.  Tears loomed at the edge, foretelling of the imminent flow that was about to spring forth and trace her face. 

"OK! Now you're both scaring me... someone please tell me something!?..."

Faith placed her hand on Sam's knee and began to share with Dana what she knew of Samantha's past.  With some encouragement from Faith and reassurance from Dana, Sam was able to fill in the narrative.  Even though this information was barely scratching the surface of the pain Sam had been hiding... it was a start.

Dana and Faith agreed to let Sam lead in whatever way she needed.  They wouldn't ask anymore questions nor make this new information the focus unless Samantha brought it up.  What they knew for now, was that, someone violated their Samantha when she was 11 years old.

Dana stepped out of Samantha's room, closing the door quietly behind her. Faith stood from the same place Kevin was sitting over a month ago.  Faith looked at Dana, eyebrows raised, her face full if questions. Dana simply nodded indicating that Sam was not only safely home, but finally asleep.  Faith let out a sigh and sat back down. Dana fumed into the Kitchen and began to make coffee.  Her whole body was stiff.  Her jaw was tight and her eyes were on fire.  Faith approached from behind and put her hand on Dana's shoulder.

"Why don't you get some rest too.  It's been a long and exhausting night for everyone."

Turning to face Faith, Dana's eyes looked through Faith as if someone was standing behind her. "I swear to God! I want to find this guy and rip him apart!"

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