Chapter 6 - Calm Down

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Samantha jolted awake soaked in sweat...her heart racing. She pushed Dana's hand off her and sat up in the bed.

"Hey...Sam...its's me."

Samantha wiped the tears from her face, "Oh...Dana...I..."

"It's OK Sam...I heard you crying and thought maybe you had a fight with Kevin. When I came in to check on you, you were asleep. That must have been quite the dream hu?"

"Ummm...yeah...quite the dream." Sam paused. "I'm sorry I woke you Dayn. What time is it?"

"Almost 5 a.m."

Samantha held her hands together in an attempt to keep her hands from shaking.  They trembled against each other in a hug like two school girls watching their first horror movie.

Dana opened Samantha's dresser drawer and pulled out a clean tank-top and tossed it to Samantha. She then took out a pair of underwear from another drawer and handed them to Sam along with a pair of shorts.  She walked to the door and stood facing away from Samantha as she changed from her wet clothing.

"I think I'll stay up a bit. Would you like a cup of cocoa or tea?" Asked Dana.

"Well...if it's not too much trouble...sure." Sam replied timidly.  "I'm just gonna go splash some water on my face."

Samantha looked into the mirror after dousing her face. The water trailed down her cheeks and off her chin. Her eyes reflected that of the wounded child trapped inside.  Tears began to well.  She grabbed a towel and covered her face, gently patted it dry and hung the towel avoiding the mirror. She had seen enough of "her" in her sleep.

Sam sat on the counter that seperated the kitchen from the living room with her legs crossed into a pretzel. Her cup of tea was wrapped with her two hands. Dana sat across from her on the oposite counter top with her legs dangling off the edge.

Dana told Sam about the new job at Cahoots and how the owner and new boss had made her the night manager four nights a week.

"Well, I'll need to give my two week notice to Tony tomorrow. He's been good to me. It's the least I can do. Then there will be training and orientation. And then I guess I'll be a manager."

"So amazing deserve this." Sam responded and hopped off the counter.

"Hey Sam, you dont have to tell me if you don't want to but, does your nightmare have anything to do with what happened with Kevin?" Dana asked timidly.

Samantha let out a long sigh as she placed her cup in the sink. "Well...kind of. It's a long story ...ummm..." She felt her pulse increase and her cheeks began to feel warm.

Dana grabbed Samantha's hands and implored, "He didn't hurt you, did he!?"

Dana peered into Samantha's eyes and saw that they were full of tears and about to spill down her cheeks.

"Oh my God! That bastard! Sam, if he hurt you at all... I swear to God!


Dana began to pace the kitchen moving her arms with each inflection.  "And here he was ... trying to seem all concerned ... that fucking son of a bitch ... Jesus! How could I be so blind.  I really liked him you know? That sweet sincere smile... Sam, I'm sorry.  I should have asked you earlier.  He must have come over to cover his..."

Samantha stepped in front of Dana and placed both hands on her shoulders. Dana was nearly hyperventilating... the venom still being expelled.

"Dana! Dayne, just calm down! Relax! Look at me... Breathe!  Kevin... didnt do... anything wrong.

Dana paused. "Wait... What?  He didn't... you know?"

"No... he didn't. He didn't do anything wrong. It was me."

Sam released Dana and looked at her feet. She let out a slow sigh. "I thought I was ready. I thought if I could know...have sex...I'd be OK. Everything would fall into place and I'd be normal. I wanted's just when things got going...I...well...I panicked and kicked him out."

"Oh, I just assumed Sam...I'm sorry. Jeez! I feel bad that I thought all those things about Kevin." Dana ran her hands through her hair.  "God I'm a terrible person to rant and carry on like that." I just... I guess I just..."

"It's OK Dana. I think anyone may draw the same conclusion."

"Maybe you're right. Sorry.  All I saw for a bit was red." Dana confessed. "It's just the thought of anyone hurting you... it really got me going ya know?"

"Awe... my little 'Ninja Bodyguard'..." Sam teased trying to lighten things up.

Dana took the cups, opened the dishwasher and inquired, "Hey Sam?"


"What do you mean by 'normal'? Do you think it's not 'normal' to be you?

"What do you mean by being me?" Sam giggled.

Well... To know...Bi? Sam, there is no 'normal' except for what is true to who you are. That's what 'normal' is Sam."

Samantha dropped her jaw and looked at Dana perplexed, "What makes you think I'm 'Bi' Dayn?"

"Sam...we have lived together for nearly four years...I'm not blind."

Sam looked at Dana if she had been seen dancing naked in the living room.

Dana stuttered and replied to Samantha's look, "Not that anyone else would take's just the way you look at certain... ummm... well... girls.  It's no big deal Sam."


"Oh my God. I'm making it worse with every comment hu?"

Sam shook her head and replied, "Uh Hu can we just drop this for now cause I can't...not right now...OK?"

"Ok Sam."

After a period of silence Dana remarked, "Sam, honey, I don't want to sound pushy or like your mother, but..."

Samantha let out a reluctant sigh as she reached her room.  "I know... I'll call him tomorrow...night Dana."

Samantha climbed into her bed.  She turned her pillow to the dry side... She took a deep breath...and closed her eyes. She prayed that the next time she awoke... it would be to her alarm and not her "Demons."

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