Chapter 4 - Cahoots

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Dana rounded the corner like she always did on her way to work. A half block down on the right was Eddie's.

As she walked she could not help but think of Samantha. Ever since she and Kevin had begun to get more serious, she noticed that Sam was not sleeping as well. In fact, she would sometimes hear Sam wake in the middle of the night.

One night, she went to check on Samantha after hearing her in the kitchen. As she approached Sam from her room, Dana could see sweat form a V down the back of Samantha's shirt. Dana let out a soft cough as she walked into the kitchen. Samantha jumped in surprise.

"Jesus Dayn! You scared the shit out of me."

"I'm sorry Sam. I heard you out here and wanted to make sure you were OK."

"Just a bad dream is all." Samantha said trying to hide the tears that had run down and stained her cheeks.

"Wanna talk about it?" Dana asked softly.

"Naw...I'm OK." She said in hesitation looking at her feet.  "I have an early class, so I'm just going to go back to bed." Samantha turned and shuffled toward her room. "Umm...Dayn?"

Dana turned and looked at Samantha concerned, "Yeah Sam?"

"Thanks." Sam said shooting Dana a sheepish smile.

This time, instead of walking in to Eddie's, she kept walking down University another three blocks and crossed the street to the corner where Cahoots sat. Dana checked the time. She was eight minutes early for her meeting with Faith.

Taking a deep breath Dana walked in the door and her eyes took a moment to adjust to the nightclub lighting. The Club was bigger than it appeared on the outside. The decore was more modern and upscale than Eddie's Bar.

Dana was impressed that someone as young as Faith owned a place like this. Faith had to be no more than 10 years older than Dana.

A woman approached her and said, "You can seat yourself sweetie."

"Oh, thank you, but I'm here to meet with Faith Matthews. Can you tell me where I can find her please?" Dana answered straightening her shirt.

The woman looked Dana up and down, "'re the one? You made quite an impression last night. Faith usually doesn't ask someone to come in and take a job. Many people have begged her for this position, just so you know..."

"Well, she asked me in to talk...that's it. She said she was looking for a good manager and umm...well..."

"Listen...if Faith invited you in to most likely have the job...If Faith wants something...she usually finds a way to get it. I'll take you back to her office."

They walked back past the kitchen and down a short hallway to an office. A woman was sitting with her back to the door pushing buttons on a calculator and entering numbers on the computer. The office was average size. It was pleasantly decorated with soft light in the corner by a chair that sat across from a couch. A glass coffee table separated the furniture nicely making the space feel cozy, yet elegant. Of course, on the opposite wall was where the work was accomplished. Next to the corner desk was a bulletin board with schedules, health department regulations and other work related information. Beside that sat a safe crouched on the floor next to 2 tall filing cabinets.

The woman knocked on the open door and cleared her throat. "Uhhumm...hey Faith...I believe this is the gal you were waiting for...yeah?"

The woman turned in her chair and smiled at Dana and then looked over to the other woman. "Why yes Maggs, I take it you have introduced yourself by now?"

Dana brought her hand up to her nape and rubbed it and looked down. "Well, I'm sorry, but no, I actually have not asked you your name." Dana spoke to the woman next to her.

"Well, it wasn't you I was asking that question to Dana. So, just relax. This is my afternoon manager, Maggie, but most of us just call her Maggs. Maggs, this is Dana, the one I spoke to you about."

"HmmHmm." Maggs said looking over at Dana. "She's younger than I thought...and kinda small too.  You sure she can handle her shit?"

"I'm sure Maggs. Trust me. She may be tiny, but she's mighty. I've had my eye on her for a bit now. Last night just completely sold me. And...if I'm not mistaken...I'm still the owner and make the discussions around here." Faith said as she winked at Maggs.

"Well...I'll let you to it then."

With that Maggs turned on her heels and went back out to the club.

"Well, come in and sit down Dana." Faith smiled and motioned to the seating area. 

Dana took a seat on the couch and took a deep breath.  Why was she here?  She had no manager experience. This club was bigger and she was way over her head with this one. What did Faith mean by having her eye on me for some time?

"Umm...Faith...I'm really not sure why Im here? You I said last night, I have no experience managing and..."

"Well, you see, as I said to Maggs, I have seen you work. Last night was not my first time to Eddie's. I have been scouting some of the other bars and clubs for...well...for you actually. I've seen you break up fights. I've seen you handle being short-staffed. I have seen you problem solve, multi-task, kick out the perverts, comp the complainers and I have seen you handle Michelle.  So...with that I thought we needed an opportunity to work out the details." Faith said.


" when you can start...negotiating salary...your like that." Faith simply said pulling out a note pad.  "OK then, let's talk details..."

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