Chapter 9 - Don't Be Late

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A/N:  Hey all.  A little shorter chapter, but I wanted to get something out tonight.  Let me know what you think.  I would love your feedback since this is my first story.  Vote, comment, refer a friend, fly a banner.  The only thing I ask is that you are honest.  If you don't like it, what would make it better?  Where do you see the characters going from here?  

Thanks for reading...

A few weeks past and Sam was happy that she had not been having as many "bad dreams" or flashbacks.  For a while. They had been coming on without any notice or situation to snap her back to when she was eleven.  Dana noticed them as well, but Sam would just brush them off to stress with school or something bad she ate before bed.

It's not as if she didn't trust Dana.  If she talked about it, the dreams and flashbacks would be real.  If she talked about it, all the pieces may fall into place and she would remember everything instead of what came to her in her sleep. She would have to discover why certain smells, and other situations would launch her mind back...there.  She often wondered how she got home that day.  She questioned why she hated people whistling.  But, did she really want to open up the gate that held back all those details to her horror that afternoon?  

She appreciated that Dana didn't push.  At times, all she would do was bring Sam a glass of water or a towel to dry off her face. Dana would sometimes sit in silence drinking her cup of tea while Sam drank her cocoa.  It had become somewhat of a ritual.  

When Sam didn't talk, Dana didn't either...and it was oddly comfortable.  So much between the two had become unspoken.  They never had nothing to talk about but, silence between them was just as comfortable.

Dana would tell Sam of her nights at the bar and her appreciation for her boss, Faith.  She and Faith had become somewhat friends. If she wasn't telling a good story about a customer, she was talking about how she felt Faith could do so much better than the likes of Michelle.

"I'm tellin ya Sam...this woman is psycho!"  Dana said.  "I really don't know what Faith sees in her besides good 'arm candy' which someone like Faith could find anywhere.  She's great!  I mean...she owns her own business, she's funny, she's smart, she's beautiful..."

"Sounds to me like you may have a little crush on your boss here Dana..."  Sam teased.

Dana paused.  Her cheeks became a crimson color. She stuttered, "Well, I...I never thought about it that."

"Why not?" asked Sam.

"First of all she has a girlfriend.  Secondly, she's my boss...and well...well I guess I never thought about it before." Dana replied

"You are now!" teased Sam again

"Shut up!"

"So...when am I going to meet this 'Angel' you speak so highly of?" inquired Samantha.

"Well, since you don't have a meet this weekend, you could come to the bar at closing and pick me up and take me to breakfast.  I could introduce you to her then."  Dana quipped.

"True, but you're not getting a free meal outta me my friend.  I'll see you at what...3ish then? Oh My God! that is so late!" Samantha whined.

"Actually, it is early...and yeah...see ya at 3 am.  Don't be late.  You don't want to stay up late to meet 'miss wonderful' and miss her because you're late."  Dana joked

"I'm not the one who pushes things to the last minute now am I?  Besides, I'm not staying up late.  I'm getting up early.  

"See you after work sunshine." Samantha said as she walked into the bathroom smiling back at Dana.

"Bitch!" Dana joked

Samantha opened the door and poked her head out and gave Dana a big grin, "Awe. You love me!"

"HmmmHmmm." Dana mumbled as she tossed on her jacket and grabbed her keys.  "Don't be late."

"I won't my peach.  Bike or car?" Sam asked through the door.

Dana checked the weather app on her phone,  "Well, it's warm enough for either, but don't forget the..."

Samantha yelled, "I never do! nice with the other kids. Love you."

Dana chuckled and replied, "Love you more."

"Love you most...and don't you be late now."  Sam said in triumph.

"Bitch!" Dana said while laughing

Samantha opened the door to the bathroom and said,  "uh um...that is 'Madam Bitch' to you. 

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