"It's okay, I know you need time. Just remember," She puts a gentle hand on my arm. "I'm here now."

Yeah, she's here now. That makes me feel so much better.


"What are you doing here?" Emma asks, raising an eyebrow. I take a deep breath.

"I need a place to...hide someone," I tell her. She snorts.

"And you come to me?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "What? No. I came to Vicky. You just happened to open the door for her," I smirk. Her cheeks turn red and she scoffs.

"Emma, let her in," Vicky's voice calls from the back. The motel door widens a little, and Emma rolls her eyes, gesturing for me to come in.

"Hey," I say, smiling at Vicky. She gets up, giving me a small hug.

"Did you bring her?" She asks, and I nod, moving to the side to let Xena through.

Emma chokes on her saliva and I hear Vicky's sharp intake of breath. Even Xena looks like she's seen a ghost.

"I never thought this day would come again," Xena says, smiling softly. Vicky nods once.

"Me neither."

I slowly back away, hoping none of them notice me leave. Unfortunately, Emma's more sly than I am.

"Oh no, you don't. You're not going to dump her on us," She hisses.


"Watch your tongue, servant, she's my sister," I hiss back, and that seems to shut her up.

I walk out of the motel room, realizing maybe I should've just let Xena rot in the institution after all.

Or should've just killed her.

That's still not an option.

I look at my gas meter and sigh when I realize I have 5 miles of gas left, and it's a nine-mile drive out of here.

It's quite funny how almost every place I go to seems to be in the middle of nowhere. Just my luck, I guess.

I look at the motel through the rearview mirror, wondering if I should go back and ask to borrow a car from Vicky, but decide not to.

No way am I going back there to see her again. Besides, it would be kinda humiliating.

"Maybe I'm not so unlucky," I tell myself cheerily, trying to stay positive.

Negativity never got anybody anywhere.

Well actually, it has, but that's not the point.

Suddenly, my phone rings.

Unknown number.

I pick it up and answer, more curious than I am afraid. "Who is it?" I ask immediately. The line on the other end is extremely quiet.

"Is that how you greet your boss, Xanthe?"

I freeze, and the phone almost drops from my hand.

I don't even need to ask again because I'd know that voice anywhere.

He's back.

I jerk up in my seat and look around, noticing only leaves and trees. "Where are you? Tell me before I kill you," I hiss.

"Behind you."

I turn in my seat, and sure enough, another car is parked behind mine. I let the phone drop this time, and rush out, towards the door already open.

My Possessive Criminalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें