11: Morning After

Start from the beginning

Now it was Trunks' turn to blush at the blonde's sudden statement. His hand covering his mouth, a failed attempt at stifling a chuckle. Though for a moment, he had entertained the thought of them in such lewd act but it was quickly wiped away by the ridiculousness of her claim: them sleeping together. Beyond the fact that Trunks would never take advantage of his friend in such a vulnerable state (no matter how pretty she may look), this was Marron who he was raised with like family. "No," Trunks stated, an impish grin plastered on his face. "You somehow managed to get to my apartment, which is impressive given how blasted you were."

Marron's face turned increasingly red, hiding from the pure embarrassment she felt. "I-I don't remember any of that," she bit out. "I thought...well..." Marron began, replaying the memories of some lecherous gentleman who seemed rapacious in his hastened stripping off her clothes. Her face flushed madly remembering the sensual touches down her neck and breast and for a moment she was glad it wasn't Trunks, only for a second as the panic set in. She didn't know who the guy was nor if he even knew who she was. "I thought you were..."

Trunks quirked a brow, watching as the blonde slowly attempted to piece together the events of the evening prior. Watching as her reddened face, turned slowly towards a look of dismay, eyes flicking desperately trying to make sense of the situation she has seemed to place herself in. "I know I was with someone last night...I just..."

The hybrid took a step towards the blonde, glancing at her troubled face. His mind thrashing about in an attempt to understand what precisely was happening to her. It seemed so unlike Marron to be so reckless, and his mind had gone back to what happened in their last encounter. The standoffish way she brushed away something that had seemed to shake her to the core worried Trunks, he recognized that look anywhere, it'd been so common with his father and his own past. Tempted to reach out for her to push the astray blonde hairs back into place, he held his hand suspended in the air. His royal blue eyes attempting to catch hers.

Marron glanced up, holding Trunks' gaze. "I-" she choked out, feeling her words caught in her throat. There was the overwhelming ignominy that plagued the blonde as her eyes welled up in tears, her head shaking vehemently as she hastily grabbed her things in a rush to leave. "I need to go, I-I'm so-" Marron stated pushing past Trunks attempting to walk out of the bedroom door before any more memories wreaked havoc on her heart. However before, she could even touch the doorknob she felt a firm grasp on her wrist as he pulled her back inside.

"Hold on just a second," Trunks began looking down at the shaking blonde who's tear-stained cheek was pressed against his suit. His eyes flicked about and almost instinctively placed a hand atop her head and slowly running it to her nape, coaxing the startled woman. That simple movement sent waves of deja-vu to the hybrid, memories of childhood outings and unspoken bonding that he nearly forgot. He could recall vividly how the small blonde would sob over his incessant teasing and how easily it'd all melt away with this simple motion, and just like then the blonde's tears seem to cease flowing so intensely. Looking up, she found a Trunks reluctant to glance at her and instead, glancing to the side. But she caught the light shade of pink that dare tint his cheeks.

"Marron, I know you don't wanna tell me..." He began, adjusting his tie in attempts to avoid looking at her.

"I really don't," Marron reinforced, "it's not- I'm not ready to talk about this."

Trunks pursed his lips, and looked down to the blonde again, unconsciously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear causing a riot in Marron's mind. Trunks didn't realize what he was doing, and yet again sparked a flame inside Marron's chest, her heart wildly thumping at the simplistic, gentle touch he gave her. Before he could tear away from her eyes he simply smiled, in an almost cocky Vegeta-like manner.

"Don't let it eat you up, blondie."

Marron found herself hovering outside Kame House. Seemingly enough, the blonde has picked up the habit of flying more since hanging around Trunks out of the sheer convenience. She landed before the pink house, her sneakers pressed firmly against the sand, leaving shoe prints as she dragged herself to the porch she was so familiar with and slumped herself down. Absentmindedly she watched as the tide rode up, with every wave she felt replenished as those same blue waters coursed through her veins, restoring herself. It was a sight so familiar to her, the waves, the sugar-white sand. It called a time where things were far simpler.

Her mind kept bouncing between the night before, and that little flame that only continues to grow. Every time she is around Trunks, it feels like he drops milligrams of gasoline at a time, enlivening the fire within her heart that she was convinced she put out. She didn't understand nor realize that the feelings were far more valid. In turn, to save herself...she had to crush them, like the little pests they were to finally feel free and happy.

The sea breeze twined with Marron's hair, breathing in deeply at the air. She listened closely to the white door creak, watching as Master Roshi stepped out, clad in his sandals and beach attire. He sat beside the blonde on the staircase. Marron paid no mind as she intently watched the waves dance discordantly. "Penny for ya' thoughts?" Roshi asked as he placed the wooden staff behind.

Marron perked her head up, tilting her head at him, "huh?" She mumbled before shaking her head. "Well, I saw Cash yesterday," Marron mumbled, her foot lightly dusting the sand, "brought back some things I...didn't want to remember." Marron glanced downward crestfallen.

Master Roshi took a puff out of his pipe, circular ringlets escaping his lips. "That boy was always trouble," Roshi stated, "I remember telling your father whenever he came around here." He leaned back against the railing, his arm laying over his knobby knees, "of course, what he did to you was-"

Marron sighed, her bun pressed against the railing of the stairs. "Grandpa Roshi," Marron sighed out, "I'm so lost right now."

He simply lifted his sunglasses and stared at the blonde. "Whoever it is, give it time," Roshi stated knowingly causing a bewildered look on the blonde's face. From what he could see, she didn't know her own feelings yet, he might have been a lascivious man but he knew Marron very well. "You know, you may not realize it yet...but I know that face," Roshi continued patting the blonde's knee. "And about that Cash boy," he continued, "forget him, he can't hurt you. I'd know, I trained you well," Roshi smiled as he rose from the creaky white staircase.

Marron, bewildered by Roshi's message, simply shook it off for the time being and leaned back, glancing at the elderly man. "Where's Mom and Dad?" Marron asked curiously, noticing her father's ki signature was nowhere near them.

Master Roshi simply shrugged as he held the knob to the door. "They went out on a night in the town," he replied, "come inside, I'll make some Ginseng tea." The blonde simply gave him a toothy grin as she stepped inside her old home, looking at the unchanged decor.

Yes, this was her home. Not her apartment, not her job, but here - Kame House. Where she learned how to float and manipulate energy on the beach, where Trunks and Goten both played with her in their youth. It was an escape for those who needed it, from the daily stresses of life, or the chaotic battles that raged on, physical or mental. This was home.

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