4: Helpless

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There was a distinct silence seeping into the air of capsule corporation, a seldom office with a tired man groggily typing away in his state of the art desktop. Trunks sat in his leather office chair in what seemed to be a contemplative state. Often times, the hybrid didn't waste his time just to think and reflect on his own life. But that evening with Marron made him reflect just a bit more on the state of his living situation, and his profound embarrassment that evening. He sunk his face into the palms of his hands. Admittedly, the blonde's attentive nature since then was...endearing, but Trunks couldn't help but feel guilty over his actions.

Not only that, but his recent encounters with childhood friends made him realize how much he has neglected his attention to Goten. Though the two have fused in the past, and have a seemingly unbreakable bond, almost like twins...Trunks' mass focus into his work has kept him distracted from the importance of keeping up with Goten, and admittedly it was rather taxing to him. Trunks sighed at the thought of his partner-in-crime, and Trunks has heard plenty from him. In the form of complaints, party invites, and other activities he made in his more frivolous youth.

Goten wasn't wrong, Trunks spent far too much time concerned with everyday work. So deeply concentrated in his own work, he found no time for enjoyment. But could Trunks help it? That's another question.

The hybrid adjusted his frames and glanced over to the searing hot coffee cup, beckoning to check whether it was cool enough to drink. In the midst of it all, he heard a knock on his window, which didn't take Trunks by surprise. Trunks looked over to the window spotting a floating Goten, donning the classic forest green sweater he seemed so fond of.

The CEO invited his best friend to visit him at his office, but he continually grew concerned that the hybrid was - for some reason - upset with Trunks. Though thankfully, he was wrong as he came anyway. The classic son smile plastered across Goten's face.

"Dude, let me in, someone is gonna see me," Goten exclaimed clawing at the opening of the window.

Trunks shook his head as he stood up from the chair and unlocking the window, feeling the rush of the high-altitude winds rush into his office, scattering the papers about.

"Shit, my assistant is gonna kill me," Trunks mumbled to himself as he quickly closed the window as Goten stepped inside. "Glad you came."

"Man, seeing you is tough as is, I'll take whatever chance I get," Goten began, aiding Trunks in picking up the scattered documents, "seriously though, your security down there is a bitch to deal with," Goten groaned.

"Capsule Corp's finest," Trunks replied in jest as he organized the stacks of papers back on his desk. "Life's gotten pretty damn busy, seriously - I'm such a mess right now."

Goten scoffed, now slumping to the leather couch against the wall "What? I couldn't tell!" Goten stated, his voice laced in pure sarcasm, "haven't been training either."

Trunks quickly perked his head up and gave Goten a deadly glare. "Hey, don't stress it," Goten continued, "just haven't heard a lot from you lately, I was scared all this taking work seriously was really takin' a toll on ya."

Trunks sighed, it seemed as though the regular meals and sleep were whipping him back to shape, somewhat. "But seriously," Goten added, "you haven't kept up with training have ya?" Trunks' face immediately reddened from what Goten could only assume was anger. "What is it, a girl? Work? Parties?"

The CEO nearly sputtered out 'Marron' in his tired state, but only managed a defensive "no." But the youngest Son knew better than to believe Trunks' white lies. "Nah, it's something, you just don't wanna say it huh?"

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