part twelve

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We headed over to Gameknight's hideout immediately after I left that phone call. Reaper and Shai had been gone for an hour, so we texted them the location. They still haven't answered. I wonder why they haven't written me back yet. I wonder what they're doing.

Gameknight was sitting on his small couch and watching TV when we knocked on the door. He peeked through the door, and we saw that he had one of those nose tube things on, which was linked to an oxygen tank. There was an IV on his left arm, connected to one of those water things that they have in hospitals. He had an eye patch on his broken eye that was kind of stained red from the blood that always seemed to drip from it.

"H-hi, guys..." he said with a small smile. The three of us gently hugged him before going into his house. I shut the door behind me before sitting down. Xa-Tul helped him down into his chair, making sure his equipment stayed in place.

"How are you able to take care of yourself with all this stuff?" Feyd asked kindly, rubbing Gameknight's arm gently. 

"I-It's kinda ha-rd, but I c-can get by," Gameknight said. His voice seemed different. He used to sound tough. Broken, but tough. His voice sounded like a kid of his age. Now, it seemed like he had the small, weak, tiny voice of a seven year old. "M-morgana also c-comes over s-sometimes t-o help me b-but... th-that's it..." 

"Well that's nice!" I say, ruffling his hair. He giggles softly before saying, "uhm... d-do you want food or s-omething?"

I smirk. "I could go for some dick, yes."

Gameknight flinches and his one exposed eye tears up. I gasp. "Shit, I'm sorry Gameknight, I totally forgot about it." I give him a hug and he says, "it's fine, I-I know you're like that..."

"L-like what?!" I gasp. Feyd and Xa-Tul are dying of laughter on the floor.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. I run up and open it, and I'm happy to see that it's Shai and Reaper. They both seem like they had fun (which annoys me). Shai looks half-asleep while Reaper's trying to hold her up with one hand.

"Gameknight!" Reaper exclaims, dropping Shai and running over to Gameknight. "I'm so sorry, I heard what happened... how are you doing?"

Gameknight laughs. "I-I'm doing fine... y-you?"

"Great." He looks back at Shai. "Shai got a little bit drunk when we were out, is there a place she and I can crash?"

She and I. Not just she. She. And. I.

"U-um... th-there's a guest room you can use?"

Reaper nods. "Come on, Shai, let's go..."

Shai noded. She started walking toward Reaper, and then something hits me.

She's limping.

She's limping really hard. And her hair's a mess. And her shirt's all messed up like it was hastily put on in a hurry. And the bra strap that usually hides most of her exposed shoulders (she's one of those girls who drapes her entire fucking T-shirt over one shoulder) is missing. And her hair isn't up in a ponytail like it always is. It's down. It's messy and tangled and down.

And for one moment, a thought crosses my mind. One that isn't about Gameknight, or Herobrine, or the school.

What the hell happened at that party?

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