part ten

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Months of being in Monster School past by, and nothing changed, nothing. Herobrine was still teaching us, I was still jealous of Shai and Reaper, and Gameknight was still Gameknight... broken and miserable. Except this time, Gameknight didn't talk to any of us. After that gym class we'd had on the first day, Gameknight had left us alone, doing nothing but giving a few of us light eye contact whenever Herobrine or one of the other "helper teachers" were abusing him.

Despite the fact that Gameknight no longer paid too much attention to us, the five of us were still continuing our plans to try and break him out of the school. And tonight- nearly eight months (almost a whole school year) later from when we arrived- was when we were planning to do it. We'd briefly spoken to Gameknight about our plan, and now we were up in me and Reaper's room planning it.

Feyd and Xa-Tul had already come over from where they were next door. We were kind of all sitting in silence, waiting for Shai and Gameknight to show up. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Feyd went to go get it. He lightly opened the door and peeked out before opening it fully. It was Shai and Gameknight. Shai had her arm on Gameknight's back, trying to calm him down because of how badly he was shaking (he seemed pretty scared). Gameknight was wearing a too-big teal T-shirt of Xa-Tul's, and the same shorts Shai had let him borrow eight months ago.

"Okay good, you're here," Feyd said, grabbing their hands and pulling them into the room. Gameknight sat next to me and leaned himself against him, trying to get the heat from my blaze rods to calm him down. "We need to talk about how we're going to get you out okay?"

Gameknight nodded, looking over at Feyd for answers. The Enderman smiled before saying, "so. Xa-Tul is going to distract Herobrine and the other monsters while the rest of us get out. I am going to teleport out of here with you, and then Chary and Reaper will follow me out. Then, you're going to run until you reach Shai's base, where you're going to stay until the rest of us can get out. Got it?"

Gameknight nodded again. "I can't believe this is really happening..." His eyes started shifting again, showing the broken self he'd been shifted into from his time spent with Herobrine. A tear of red drifted out of his eye. "Thank you so much for this you guys..."

"You don't need to thank us, Gameknight," I said. "It's honestly no problem."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from downstairs. I flinched in anger- no way our plan could be ruined!- but I looked back and saw Feyd had teleported away. He must be doing the distraction!

"Gameknight, we need to go," I said. He nodded and I grabbed his hand and ran out of the room. The two of us sprinted through the hallways, ignoring anyone who looked at us. Gameknight was starting to get weak, so I picked him up and put him on my back. We ran for another ten minutes straight, and I was starting to get tired... no, exhausted. I saw the exit towards me, Feyd standing in front of it.

"Feyd!" I shouted. "Are you alright?!"

"I'm fine!" he shouted back. "I'm a little wet though... Herobrine threw a bucket of water at me and it hit me right on the head..."

"Gosh, you okay?"

"I said I'm fine!" Feyd said. "Give me the kid! We're getting out of here!!" 

I nodded grabbing Gameknight's arm and throwing him. Feyd grabbed him out of midair, hugging him close and teleporting away. I immediately threw myself down onto the ground, panting hard. I had ran so fast I felt like I was going to throw up.

Reaper, Xa-Tul, and Shai came around the corner. "Did it work? Is everything okay?" Shai asked.

I looked up at them, a small grin on my face, panting hard.

"We made it."

Monster School (gk999 fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin