part two

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I smile and roll my eyes, heading downstairs, Xa-Tul following close behind. Reaper was preparing breakfast, while Feyd was sitting at the table, his ear buds in, scrolling through Tik Tok. Classic Feyd.

"Hey Char," Reaper says. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine, as usual." I yawn and sit down at the table. "Morning, Feyd."

No answer.

I pull the earbuds out of his ears. He groans. "The hell was that for?"

"You aren't paying attention to me," I said. "I'm trying to be nice to you."

Feyd puts on a forced smile. "Hello, Charybdis."

"Morning." I look up at Reaper. "Hey, why are you cooking breakfast? The Maker usually does that job."

"He went to the school early. He said something about needing to get lesson plans done or something." Reaper sighs. "I can't believe that thickhead is going to teach us actual stuff other than "kill the motherfuckin' User-that-is-whatever-his-name-is or you will fucking regret it". Because that's all that's been hammered into our brains for the past... for our whole lives." He angrily grabs a piece of bread and yeets it at Xa-Tul.

"Someone's pissed off," Feyd mutters.

"I am. I don't like how we're told to hate some people and told to worship others. We should be free to make our own descions!" Reaper has always wanted to rebel from Herobrine's orders. He says that just because Herobrine created us doesn't mean that we have to do every little thing he says. He's kind of right, but at the same time, I don't want to get my ass kicked by a virus in his late twenties.

"Yeah, I get it..." I say, gazing up at him. I've always had a crush on Reaper... BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE YA LITTLE SHITS! OR I'LL MURDER YOU ALL

Suddenly, the phone rings. Xa-Tul gets it. "Uh-huh. Yep. Uh-huh. No, I did not let Chary wear that today." I snort. "Okay. Uh-huh. Yeah, we're all here, Reaper's making breakfast. When do we have to be there?" A pause. "Shit. Okay. We'll probably be a little late, is that alright?" Another pause. "Kay. We'll be there soon." He hangs up the phone.

"What is it, X?" Feyd asks.


In a few minutes, the four of us manage to wolf down our food and teleport to the school. 

Which turns out to not be a school, but a cave.

"Where the hell is the entrance?" Feyd said as we walked through the cave. "It seems like we've been walking for hours." 

"The Maker did say it was hidden pretty well. Didn't want any NPCs or Users coming in there and wrecking the place." Xa-Tul places a torch on the wall to reveal a Nether portal. "Sweet. This must be it."

"It's in the Nether?" Reaper and I both say at the same time, except mine sounds excited while his sounds like he'd rather be literally anywhere else. 

"Yeah, you two didn't know that?" We headed through the Nether portal and I nearly screamed when I saw the place. It looked like Herobrine had blown up a Nether fortress, and then made it ten times bigger. And replaced half the blocks with quartz. It was quite beautiful, this thing Herobrine made. Which was odd, because I didn't think you could put the words "Herobrine" and "beautiful" in the same sentence.

Xa-Tul smiled a satisfied smile, like he'd been here before. 

"Guys, welcome to Monster School."

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