part fifteen

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Hunter stayed with us for the rest of the time being. She didn't seem to have a problem with living with a bunch of monsters who'd tried to kill her and her friends in the past. "You obviously haven't killed Gameknight yet, so I think I'm okay with you, honestly," she had said. The only thing suspicious about her was how she and Gameknight would spend most of their time in the back room, but Hunter said they were just "catching up."

But then something happened. It was the last day before Gameknight was supposed to die. He had exactly 27 hours, and he was kind of waiting them out in his room, staring at the ceiling and accasionally crying for an hour or two every once and awhile. That was the day Hunter asked to take Gameknight home.

"What do you mean, take him home?" Xa-Tul asked. "This is his home. We're his home."

Hunter rolled her eyes. "God, you monsters can be so ignorant. I understand you care deeply about my boyfriend, but you have to understand that he has a real family. His father and sister, along with my friends, have been dying to know where he is."

I looked back at Gameknight. We were in his room discussing it, after all. He was lying on his side, tracing the sides of his hips with his fingers. He seemed to be kind of out-of-it. Maybe the fact he was going to die in just more than a day kind of sank in with him. "But we swore we'd protect him and keep him safe for the rest of his life... which isn't even a long time. He's going to die tomorrow anyways. Why would you want to take him back?"

Hunter looked up at me. "Charybdis, think about it from his family's point of view. They lost someone they love two or three years ago, and they had hope that they'd see him again. They need to see him again." 

"But he's going to die!"

"I TOLD YOU A MILLION TIMES, CHARYBDIS!! HE'S NOT GOING TO DIE!!!!" Hunter screamed, and finally, for the first time, I saw a tear in the corner of her eye. "Think about it!! His family hasn't seen him in years, and now they're never going to see him again."

"Wait, if he's 'not going to die', then why does it matter?" Feyd asked. 

"...... because whether he dies or not, it's still been three years since he's seen his family..." Hunter had an interesting look in her eyes. She looked mad and upset, yes, but she was looking at Gameknight with a look of apology in her eyes, like she was trying to say "I'm sorry" to him through her expressions. "And I want him to see them..... is that too much to ask?"

I look at the rest of my friends. Shai smiled at Hunter, nodding. Reaper also nodded, not saying anything. (He hasn't said much since Xa-Tul had confronted him about what he did to Shaivalak last week.) Xa-Tul and Feyd both seemed on-board with it. "Fine..." I said. "He can go to his friends on one condition."

"Anything," Gameknight whispered from the bed. 

Hunter whipped around. She made a noise that sounded like a sigh, and another tear rolled out of her eye. "Oh, Gameknight, I don't care what it is," she said. "We're getting you to your family." She walked over to Gameknight and lightly kissed him on the forehead. "You're going to be okay, we promise you that."

Gameknight looked up at her with a smile. "T-thank you, Huner..."

My heart melted. I would normally be jealous of how well relationships went with other people, but this... this was just beautiful. I almost cried.

"... listen to me," Hunter said, her tone becoming serious. "I... I'm not going to be coming with you. I need to go alone..."

"Why?" Shai asked.

"It's something I need to do..." Hunter said. She wraps her arms around herself. "I think Gameknight should get to go with you all. Besides, I have some unfinished business to finish up here in the Nether, so... he should go with you. But don't worry, I'll definitely be at the village when you get there."

"You will?" Gameknight asked in his soft baby voice.

Hunter smiled back at him. "Yes, I will..." She walked over to him and lightly pecked him on the lips. "I'll never be away from you again after this, Gameknight, I promise. I wouldn't want to do that after what I- what Herobrine did to you..."

Gameknight sat up and hugged her. "Huner..." he whispered. "Kiss me goodbye for now?"

Hunter nodded, cupping his face and kissing him softly. As they kissed, she gently ran her hand across his body- on his eye, on his arms, on his hips. His entire body seemed to glow as she touched him. 

They pulled away after a few minutes. Gameknight smiled up at her. He seemed a lot more full of energy than he had been a few minutes ago. "Goodbye Hunter," he said. His voice was no longer weak. It still sounded childish, as he was only twelve or something, but it sounded stronger than before.

"Goodbye, Gameknight999," Hunter said. "I'll see you at the village. If I'm not out in the square, come into my house and I'll be there."

"I will, I promise."

The couple put there foreheads together and closed their eyes. Hunter muttered, "I'm so sorry," to him, and then she pecked him again before walking out the door of the bedroom and leaving the house.


i think this is the first time i've ever cried while writing.

you hear that ladies? I can cry too ;_;

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