part nine

71 3 13

*warning- some light-ish smoot because fuck you all im chary and its all i think about

right aron~~*

Shai and I both fell to the ground in shock. I couldn't get the image of Gameknight's broken face out of my head. It was unsettling, almost terrifying, how a kid with his age and metabolism could still be alive after losing that much. I mean, chunks of his face were completely ripped off! How on earth could that happen?

I looked over at Shai. She was holding a hand over her mouth. "I think I might be sick, guys," she said, her voice muffled.

"Go ahead, we won't look," Reaper said kindly. 

Shai nodded, turning around and vomiting onto the Netherrack we were standing on. It evaporated immediately.

"No offense to Gameknight or anything, but..." Shai muttered. "That was disgusting."

It really was. When I saw the way Gameknight's body was mostly ripped apart... Ugh. The thought of it scares the hell out of me. But honestly, that wasn't what truly scared me the most.

"Hey guys...?"


"...what do you think happened to his eye..."

They were silent before Xa-Tul said, "I don't know. It looks like someone stabbed him with something. It's horrible."

Shai nodded. "Poor thing... It feels like every time we see him we learn something new and horrible about him.."

Feyd sighed, rubbing his hands through the back of his hair. "Not only that but Gameknight said he wanted us to leave him alone and not talk to him anymore... I want to talk to him. I want him to be okay." He stomped the ground angrily, a tear rolling out of his eye.

"We all do, Feyd..." Xa-Tul said assuringly. "We all do.."

*first pov change because fuck this plotline*

*gk pov but its third person*

"Get your hands off me!" Gameknight said, fighting and kicking Herobrine. 

Herobrine didn't answer, just threw Gameknight against the wall. Gameknight yelped, staring up at him.

"You little shit," Herobrine snarled. "How DARE you show what I've done to you to my subjects."

"It wasn't my fault!!" Gameknight pleaded. "You know what happens when my positive emotions get high! The things you do to me come out! And it's not MY fault they were interested in it! It's not my fault it looks like you stabbed me in the eye- oh wait, you did."

Herobrine growled, grabbing Gameknight and throwing him against the wall. "Who the hell gave you these anyway?" he asked, motioning to Gameknight's borrowed shorts.

"Sh-shai did..."

"They're ugly," Herobrine snarled, ripping them off. Gameknight gasped, trying to push him away. "Get off!!"

"Ha. Yeah right. Like I would ever." Herobrine tossed them to the side before laughing and saying, "it's a shame I'm too embarrassed to let the other students see you like this. It's not my fault you're disgusting." He pushed Gameknight to the floor, grabbing at his small broken hips. "I don't even know why I'm doing this to you. Oh wait never mind... I do." 

Herobrine slammed into the boy harshly, making him scream. Which triggered Herobrine to slap the hell out of the poor kid. "Shut the fuck up. Do you want those monsters to barge in on us~?"

"y-yes..." Gameknight mumbled.

"If they do, you'll be in even more trouble..." Herobrine whispered, slamming his hips harshly against Gameknight's. The boy gasped, feeling the bone in his hip start to snap again. Herobrine had broken and healed his hips over and over again, and it seemed it was happening again.

Herobrine smirked. "Let's make this quick shall we?" Then he slammed in and out of the child until he bled, the boy's blood and essence dripping down his legs. Herobrine smirked before pulling out of the child, letting more fluids escape.

"Poor poor boy... if it's any consolation, I always have plenty of fun doing that~~" The villain laughed evilly. "See you later, my little slut." He stood up, zipped his pants back up, and kicked the boy in the head as he left.

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