part four

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If I had been sipping tea in that moment, I woulda spit it right out.

Because never in my entire life had I imagined Erebus to walk into the classroom with some scrawny seventh-grader in a headlock. A kid who was- unexpectedly- not fighting. A kid who looked exactly like the little bitch Herobrine had taught me and my bros to hate for our entire lives. Until I realized it was, in fact, Gameknight999.

Xa-Tul groaned. "Why is he here?"

"I thought I would teach him how to be obedient to us, now that we have him in our clutches." We captured Gameknight a while ago, Herobrine kept him in his "personal private dungeon" (aka tied to a post in his bedroom), so we didn't really know what was going on with him. "See, he misbehaved alot, so... I decided to teach him a few lessons about how to obey us. Or rather, me."

Erebus nodded, walking over and plopping Gameknight into a chair in the direct middle of the classroom. it was set up in rows of three-by-three, and he was right next to me and reaper, in front of feyd, and behind xa-tul. Smack dab in the middle of us, so he couldn't escape. Shai was in front of Reaper, and kept looking back at him and smiling. it hurt.

Gameknight was tied down to his chair. His arms were strapped to the desk, and his legs were strapped to the chair. He wasn't gagged, but he wasn't talking either. I noticed he had a few band-aids on his arms. What was that from? Were the monsters hurting him? I tore my eyes away from him. He doesn't matter to me. He shouldn't.

"Are we all here?" Herobrine asked, looking at all of us. Shai hastily stuffs her phone into her shirt pocket and says, "yep, we're here."

"Good. Now, what's the first rules of being a monster?"

Fuck. I don't know this one. Didn't I learn this in kindergarten?

Reaper raises his hand. "One, you must obey the Maker at all times. Two, any NPC that comes into contact with you must be killed on the spot. Three, if the Maker is not present, then listen to your kings and/or generals, and if they are not here, stay inside your house and do not move, wait for someone of authority to come and watch over you. SOMEONE OF AUTHORITY MUST BE PRESENT WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES." He slams his hand on the desk to emphasize.

"Someone did their homework," Shai laughs. Reaper laughs as well. I shoot her a dirty look.

"Indeed, someone did," Herobrine said. "Though I'm disappointed to hear that no one else could identify all of them..."

"Hey, I raised my hand," Feyd said.

"That's a surprise," I joke.

"Shut up, you slut of a fireball."

Shai snorts, leaning her head on the desk. 

"Now, who can tell me why the original war against the NPCs started?" Herobrine's white eyes scanned the tiny crowd. "How about you... Gameknight."

Gameknight looked over at Erebus. Erebus nodded. "You may speak when the Maker speaks to you. Now answer the question."

Gameknight sighed. "This first war started because Smithy of the Two Swords didn't allow you and your monsters into his village, due to the fact that they were terrified of the monsters and thought that they were going to be attacked." His voice was raspy, like he hadn't had water in awhile. I could tell he was trying to make sure his answer wasn't biased to the way HE'D learned it, but he was kinda doing a bad job.

"Correct," Herobrine said, "but, hero, since you did meet Smithy, could you tell me WHY exactly he was so so so cruel and shut me out?"

Gameknight's face was getting hot. "He wasn't shutting you out. He was just trying to protect his people."

"He hurt me," Herobrine said, his voice growing in volume. "He hurt me and he hurt my kind and he's nothing but some racist little bitch who deserved to die in vain."


"Racist? You wanna talk about racist?! Let's talk about how you murdered thousands and thousands of one race just because one of them hurt you! Let's talk about how you tried to murder ME just because I was trying to protect my friends!!!"

Herobrine took a deep breath before shooting a look at Erebus, who teleported next to Gameknight and slapped him across his exposed arms. Gameknight screamed, and Erebus slapped him again. "SHUT UP."

Xa-Tul turned around and looked at me. I mouthed "whatthefuck" and he nodded. He whispered, "if he treats us like this, I'm going to jump into the lava outside."

Herobrine sighed. "Rule number one of Monster School- I am always right."

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