part seven

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The next class was normal enough. Gameknight wasn't there for some odd reason, and neithter was Herobrine. Erebus kinda subbed for him, I guess. So since there wasn't anyone getting beaten or pissed off, the class ran normally.

We had gym class next, which really should have been named "throws stuff at fake villagers" class. It's exactly what it sounds- we were to improve our fighting skills by using whatever we could to defeat these fake villager dummies.

However, we had to change in locker rooms. Shai had her own private room, while me, my friends, and Gameknight stayed in. Honestly, it was pretty hard to try and get dressed while ignoring Reaper's amazingly toned body and kinda obvious large dick. I love being gay, but at the same time, it makes the locker room situation kinda awkward.

"What do you think happened with Gameknight?" Xa-Tul asked as he put on his pre-gym deodarant. "He kinda disappeared after he saw him last."

"Nurse's maybe," I replied. "That injury he had to his face looked pretty bad. Also he screamed after we looked away. Maybe he's hurt?"

"Yeah, it makes sense," Feyd says, sitting down on the bench. "But I doubt Herobrine would let him fix his face up, due to the fact that it was him that did it to Gameknight in the first place."

The rest of us nodded. Reaper took out a piece of paper and wrote some stuff down. 

"What're you doin', Reaper?" I asked, sliding over to him.

"Writing down a list of all the things we know, so we can figure out what the Maker's true plan is. Hopefully we can, not only solve this mystery, but we can break Gameknight out of here as well. And who knows, maybe Gameknight's actually the one in the wrong, and Herobrine's good. We don't know anything real, all we know is Gameknight's here and Herobrine's been hurting him in some way, whether good or bad, or rape or torture, or something else."

I smiled softly at him. Reaper's so smart.

Suddenly, we hear the locker room door swing open. Gameknight comes walking in. I grit my teeth and avert my eyes as I see he's ass-naked.

"Shut up, all four of you," Gameknight muttered. "Charybdis, do you know where my gym clothes are?"

"I don't think Herobrine sent any for you..." I said, looking around.

Gameknight sighs. He puts his hands in front of us face, as if he doesn't want us to see him crying. "I hate herobrine so so so much... doesn't even give me any clothes for fighting training.."

The rest of us are silent for a moment as Herobrine walks in. "Hey guys, changing time's over... come on out."

"I don't wanna," Gameknight muttered.

"Too bad, if you disobey me I'll fail you. And Gameknight, I think you know what that means for you."

I saw Gameknight shudder, holding himself.

"Now get the hell out here, all five of you."

The boys and me nodded to ourselves before walking out to the courtyard, Gameknight slowly following close behind. But we heard tiny glimpses of a small conversation.

" not fail me...?"

"...I've done it before, kid..."

"... but it hurt..."

"... do I look like I give a fuck...? .... get up there or I will shove my.... into your..."

".... again....?"

"... course...."

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