part five

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The bell rings before I even know it. Reaper and Shai get up at the same time and left. I growled, sitting on my desk and muttering "motherfuckers" to myself. I hate this. I hate thissss-

"Hey, Char, wanna come sit with Feyd and I?" Xa-Tul said.

I nearly vomited. "You. Want me. To socialize. With you?" I was having a mental breakdown. "DOES NOT COMPUTE"

"You idiot... yeah, why not?" Feyd said. "Besides, we need to talk about your boy troubles."

"What? Boy troubles? I don't have any boy troubles. You have boy troubles." I was mumbling nonsense at this point. "Besides. I don't need love advice from you straights."

Xa-Tul rolled his eyes, while Feyd just laughed. "Who the hell you callin' straight?"

I snorted. "Fine fine, I'll hang out with you guys. Besides, there were a few things I did wanna talk about..." 

Feyd looked back at the Maker. "Yo, HB? Where's the lunchroom at?"

"Down the hallway, you should see it. It's pretty big." Herobrine smiled. "Go have fun."

Feyd grabbed me and Chary and rushed out into the hallway, shutting the door. He pulled us both against the hallway.

"What the fuck is going on with Gameknight?!" he hissed.

"I thought we were going to lunch," I pouted.

"Shh. We will. But I wanna see what's going on here... something's up with the fact that Herobrine brought the kid here, and I wanna find out what, because it can't be good."

The three of us peeked through the window that allowed us to see into the classroom. We saw Herobrine walking around Gameknight, who was still strapped down to the desk. 

"Can you hear anything?" I whispered loudly.

"Not with you speaking, we can't," Xa-Tul hissed. We pressed our ears up to the window and faintly heard their voices.

"It's hilarious how you think those ignorant teenagers are going to save you," Herobrine said, his foot perched up on Gameknight's desk. "I created them, they're mine to control."

"Did you see the way Xa-Tul and Charybdis acted when Erebus slapped me?" Gameknight said. His voice sounded pleading. "They felt bad for me, Herobrine. And if they knew what you've been doing to me for the past year of my life, they'd feel even worse!"

"Shut the fuck up, you worthless child," Herobrine said, slapping him across the cheek. "They could be listening."

"I don't care. Even better if they are! HELP MEEE!!"

Herobrine snarled, punching Gameknight in the face. I gasped, seeing Gameknight's head slam onto the desk. When Gameknight looked up, I could see dripping down from the top of his nose down to his chin. 

"If you don't shut your stupid mouth right now, I swear to God, you won't be able to walk for a week," Herobrine hissed. "You wanna resist? Go ahead and resist. You wanna try to escape? Go for it. You wanna disobey me? Do it, try me. But the consequences will be great if you do so. Heck, I may even kill you..."

"I'd be happy if you did," Gameknight growled. "Then maybe I wouldn't have to deal with your bullshit anymore!"

I looked away as I heard Gameknight scream again. Blood splattered on the windowpane. I grabbed Feyd and Xa-Tul and the three of us booked it down the hallway before we got to the lunchroom.

"Where the fuck is everyone we need to tell Reaper and Shai about this what the fuckkk" I was muttering as we found the two of them sitting together at a table in the back. 

"SHAIIII REAPER!!!" I yelled. The two of them looked up, curious. 

"What is it?" Shai asked.

Xa-Tul looked scared. "We have something to tell you," he said. "And it's bad."

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