part eight

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"What the hell do you mean, we have to use Gameknight as one of our targets?!" Feyd snapped. "I refuse. Not doing this shit. Not today, bitches. Goodbye."

Herobrine rolled his eyes. "Do you want to get water poured on your head, mister?"

Feyd shrinks back, hiding behind Xa-Tul's large figure. "nu.."

"Then I suggest you damn well listen to what I say or the last thing you see is going to be a bucket dumping rainwater onto your body. And what do you mean, what do I mean? Gameknight volunteered to be a target instead of the fake villagers."

"Did he volunteer, or did you force him to," Shai said, folding her arms. 

"What is you kids' obsession with Gameknight?" Herobrine said.

I walked forward and grabbed his shirt. "We know what you're planning ya little-"

Herobrine pushed me off him. "Fine fine, I'm going inside. You play with the kid or whatever, just don't fuck him up, okay? He's kind of a mess." Herobrine growled to himself, walking away from the six of us and heading back inside the school.

To which we immediately all ran forward and untied Gameknight from his post. He gasped in relief but also confusion. "Why are you all helping me....?"

"We feel hella bad for you, kid," Reaper said, patting Gameknight's head assuringly. He looked over at Shai. "Hey Shai, can you take your pants off?"

"NO!" Shai blushed. "Reaper!! How dare you! You perv-"

"No listen to me," he said, "you're wearing leggings under your shorts. Just take the shorts off. We need to give him something to wear."

Gameknight looked up at him with amazement. 

And it was then that I noticed something about his eyes.

As Shai took off her pants and donated them to the little kid, I kept staring at Gameknight. There was something seriously wrong with one of his eyes. I hadn't seen them before, since they had literally just been a greyish-blue colour the entire time. But now that he was showing a mood other than sadness or anger, I could see what he really looked like. In fact... his entire face was changing.

His eyes were actually two different colours. One was bright red and bloodshot and broken. I noticed that he was missing half of his eyelashes on this one. The other was normal, a deep blue colour, like the ocean. His face was weird too- there was blotches of missing skin on his cheeks... and on his neck, there was a gigantic reddish-purplish-bruise that was bleeding. There was a bandage across his nose, and the Band-Aids we'd seen earlier were now covered up with stained-red gauze. His hips were wrapped in the same gauze, and it was only when he stood up that I noticed he couldn't walk very well. These injuries made him look... almost half-dead. 

"Gameknight... what's wrong with your... everything?!" I exclaimed.

"Huh....?" he asked.

"Your eyes, your nose, your neck, your hips... you look like you survived a 40-story-fall, but like, just survived it."

Gameknight froze up. I saw a trickle of blood come out of the red eye. "I-I need to leave..." he muttered, his voice becoming fainter and raspier. "P-please... l-leave me alone from now on..." He started crying a bit, except his good eye was crying regular tears, and his "Broken Eye" was crying blood. Gameknight thanked Shai for the shorts before running off, tripping over his own battered feet in the proccess.

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