part six

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"What do you mean?" Shai asked worriedly. "Y-you don't think Herobrine's...."

"It's the only logical explanation," Feyd said seriously. "Herobrine specifically said that Gameknight wouldn't be able to walk for another week... that can only mean one thing."

"B-but..." Shai looked on the verge of tears. "I thought Herobrine and Gameknight hated each other!"

"They do," Reaper said. "But you don't need to love someone in order to fuck them. Shai, I'm sure you've heard of rape before, right?"

"Of course I have, I'm not dumb," Shai replied. "But Herobrine wouldn't do that. He's...." She trailed off as she thought about the fact that, depending on who it was, Herobrine would most definitely do that.

"I just don't want to believe it," she said, a tear rolling down her cheek. "What the hell are we supposed to do about this? I don't want to let Gameknight keep being hurt..."

"I don't either, but there's not much we can really do..." I said. "It's like he said, we're under his control. We can't do shit about this." I put my head down on the table, grabbing my hair with my fingers.

"Hey it's okay Char, breathe," Reaper said, patting my back. "We're gonna be okay."

"I don't care about us being okay, I care about Gameknight being okay." I look up. "How am I supposed to pay attention in class when I know my teacher is raping the kid sitting next to me?"

"W-we don't know that it's happening for sure!" Shai interrupted. "I-it could just be torture, t-that's a perfect acceptable reason as well..." 

"Hey, I've got an idea," Xa-Tul said.

"What? What is it?"

"Why don't we ask Gameknight ourselves what's going on?" 

Feyd hit him across the face. "We can't do that, Xa-Tul! Do you know how much trouble we'd be in if Herobrine found out we were "fraternizing" with him?! I want to help the kid, but I would also not like my legs to be broken. I really really don't want to be in trouble..."

"We won't be," Reaper replied. "All we have to do is get Gameknight alone."

"-which should be extremely difficult," Feyd interrupted. "Gameknight's staying strapped there to that desk until God-knows-when, probably tonight, and it's not like we can just pull him out. I'd say our best plan is to just sit back and watch."

"Sit back and watch?!" I exclaimed. "Has Herobrine taught you NOTHING about solving a problem?! We're the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!! We NEVER sit back and watch. We get into the fight! We do this!... although Feyd, I do think you're idea is good..."


"Yeah. I don't want to do too much yet. I do think we should try to talk to Gameknight, but in private. And we can't- I REPEAT, CAN'T- let Herobrine see that we're talking to him, ya hear me?"

"Yee, we hear you," the rest of them said.

Just then the bell rings- loudly. Very loudly. We stood up and threw our lunch trays away before walking down the hallway and back into the classroom.

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