"With the many people that loved her, there were also many people that hated her. Many demons and humans came after her for the sole fact that she believed in a better future for demons and humans. Hitoshī had gone through many battles and wars because of it, causing her to travel out more often than usual to finish battles. Though that was also the reason she found the love of her life in the first place. During one of her expeditions she came across a man in the army against her people. He threatened to kill her, though being who she is, she wasn't afraid in the slightest. She somehow impresses and intrigues the man, who has been awaiting the chance to see her again since she left their first meeting. Soon realizing that he was falling in love with this demon woman. His name was Eien no honō." Myoga says and I interrupt out of pure curiosity.

"Myoga, are you perhaps trying to say that this woman is my ancestor or that I'm her reincarnation or something? Because I dunno if I believe that." I said and Myoga sighed.

"Possibly, but I think the next part of the story will explain who and what I really think you are clearly. If only you'd let me continue." He said and I just nodded as a way of telling him to proceed.

"Once they finally met again, the army man had proclaimed his love for her that had been there since their first meeting. The woman could only smile and take his love into consideration. The man had by then decided to leave the army and live in Hitoshi's village, and over time, the two fell deeply in love with one another. Then after a while they had gotten married and had a child. It was a little girl, and they named her... Okami. She was a human girl from what everyone had known and one night up and went missing, never to be seen again. Ultimately a while after that Okami's parents were killed and the village became most difficult to find over time." Myoga finished and my eyes widened in shock.

"So... What your saying is... I might actually be from this era!?" I exclaimed and Myoga slowly nodded.

"That might be one of the only explanations for your condition." I pondered it for a moment before asking another question.

"Can you tell me anything else that you know about this Okami girl?" I asked curiously.

"Sure. I've actually met the young girl once, before she disappeared, in her village due to my own travels. She was only human and nothing more like you were before you came here and looked exactly like you. All I could say about her was that she takes after her mother and that she's beautiful." That's when I suddenly got pulled into darkness.


After a while I woke up and found myself in an unknown yet familiar place. A forest clearing that was full of amber colored flowers. In the center of this clearing was a little girl who looked exactly like me. I watched as she picked one of the amber flowers out of the ground, they matched the girl's eyes. "Okami! Come say hello to our newest friend!" I suddenly heard a woman yell from the edge of the clearing, I could only see their shadows, but it seemed like she was holding a small flea out to the girl and a man and woman stood beside her as she did so.

"Yes Mother!" The girl called as she ran up to her mother happily and greeted the flea like creature.

"She takes after her mother in looks, she's just beautiful." The small thing said as the woman and girl thanked him for the compliment.

"I'm Okami sir. May I ask who you are?" The little girl asked.

"Pleasure to meet you, Okami. I'm Myoga the flea." They smiled at eachother and Okami shook her finger with his tiny flea hand. After that I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation. I just could just watch in my place. I then saw Okami give the flower she had to the woman holding the flea, who then put it into the girls hair as an accessory. And before I could see any more of this interaction, my vision yet again faded to black. Soon enough I woke up, lying on the hard wooden floor of Kaede's hut.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now