Izuku: A lot, not as much as my sister, though. She is something different, but yes, I do hate him, and I can't wait to enact my revenge on him and everyone who wronged me and make them suffer.

Nana: Oh, Izuku... I think we are gonna get along quite well...


At the cemetery...

Izuku's funeral went well, though it was terrible to only be able to burry a severed arm as that was all that was apparently left of him. Many Pro-heroes came to give their condolences to the Yagis. Izumi's friend also came to comfort her, they knew he valued him, and even those who didn't know still knew losing a brother was hard. Izumi was apart speaking with his best friend, Shota.

Shota: I still can't believe he is gone-she said while crying.

Izumi: Neither can I...-she has her eyes red; she had already cried a lot before.

Silence invaded the area until Izumi spoke again.

Izumi: You liked him, didn't you?

Shota: Wha-what makes you say that?...

Izumi: You were always the one who treated him the kindest, never once you came up with an insult to hurt him...

Shota: *sigh* was I so obvious?

Izumi: Very- she chuckled a little.

Shota: Now, I will never be able to tell him I liked him for all these years...

Izumi: Neither will I be able to apologize...

Silence again...

Shota: What are you going to do now?

Izumi: Train, train hard, I will become the best hero ever, the hero Izuku would have wanted me to be, and not met this happen to anyone else- she said with her eyes full of determination.

Shota nodded

Shota: I will become a great hero! You don't have to fight alone.
With this, the two friends made the promise to be the greatest of heroes, all of this for Izuku...

Timeskip two weeks

Izuku had been getting a bit better, having gained a bit more of his force. He still was annoyed by all of the cables stuck to the machines keeping him alive, but he was growing more accustomed to them.

Over the last two weeks, his relationship with Nana had improved. She came to his room every day and talked to him. All For One was quite pleased seeing them grow closer. All For One had decided it was time to put Izuku's mind to work.

All For One entered Izuku's room.

AFO: I believe you are healthy enough to work now.

Izuku: Yes, sensei! I will do what you order me.

AFO: Alright, the first project for you will be the development of a way to kill All Might.

Izuku widened his eyes, he was not expecting this to be his first job.

AFO: Something wrong?

Izuku: No, no, nothing; it just caught me off guard, haha...

AFO: Well, if you can't do it, don't wor-

Izuku: No, yes, of course, I will not let you down!!

AFO: That is what I like.

AFO left Izuku so he could concentrate.

Izuku: 'So kill All Might, huh? Wonder how will I do it?'


Izuku had spent all of one-week working on the way to defeat him, and after much wondering, came up with a project. A genetically modified human capable of sustaining lots of quirks. The idea was for AFO to give this GMH a bunch of quirks that combined could equal All Might. Between these Quirks were: 3 layers of Super Speed, 3 layers of superstrength, 2 layers of super regeneration, 1 shock absorption. The only drawback was the person became a mindless monster, though Izuku was sure that could be fixed.

Finally, Izuku called All For One.

Do you have something to show me?

Yes, here I present you: PROJECT NOMU

Mind vs Might: There Are No Heroes (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now