Ada's Beginning: Fury-ous

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"It's only a dream. It's only a dream." she repeated to herself. "It's only a dream. It's only a dream." She was so focused she bumped into a man wearing a long black trench coat and pants... in the summer?

The warm feeling of her spilt coffee on her shirt made her want to disappear.

"I'm so sorry sir, I'm not really myself today..." It wasn't really a lie. She never felt like her true self. She never could feel like the girl in her memories.

Ada saved herself the embarrassment of eye contact and she bent down to pick up the backpack and the cheap paper coffee cup she had dropped.

"It's fine." the man droned back with a tone of suspicion in his voice.

When Ada stood up again and tried to move along to the nearest city bus stop, the man stepped in front of her.

"Look at me when I talk to you, Gabrielson."

Ada reluctantly raised her head to look him in the eyes... well, eye. An eye patch covered his left eye which was presumably missing. A small beard covered the bottom half of his dark colored skin.

"How do you know my name." Ada snapped in a very military general voice, but at a normal speaking voice level.

"Just a tip. You might not want to speak like that to people who outrank you."

"I- excuse me? I probably outrank you!"

"I take it you don't know who I am."

"Oh really, is it that obvious, Sherlock?" Ada sassed and stared to walk away.

"If you thought I would follow you, you are wrong. Now come back here." said the man without moving the slightest bit so it looked like he was talking to the busy road ahead of him.

"I'm sorry, but what?" hissed Ada as she whirled around on her heel. She hated it when people talked to her like a few words in front of their name made her their slave.

"Come back here." said the man again, still taking to the street.

Ada, fuming inside, marched back and looked the man in the eye standing as tall as she could, even though she was only a few inches shorter than him.

"I follow commands from no one."

The man laughed. "Funny. You just did."

Ada felt her face get red as a lobster as the fire inside her grew. She opened her mouth to say something, but the man interrupted her.

"Follow." He said as he slowly walked away. "Since you have continued to ignore the many times I have sent my agents to recruit you, I had to come myself."

Ada began to follow him, but at a distance. She was getting a bit nervous now. She had been ignoring agents for almost a year now...

"Now, you have earned my attention." He said stopping and wheeling around on his heel. He stared Ada down with a look of hate. "I had to chase you down to Arizona, Gabrielson. Arizona! Do you know how hard that was Gabrielson! Do You?!?" he yelled taking a large step towards her face.

His face relaxed after a beat and he turned back around.

"The point is, no one wants to work for S.H.E.I.L.D. anymore. They all die from all the new super mutants that opposing organizations are creating. We have sort of a...shortage on agents. We need you Gabrielson."

"Why? So that I can just die like everyone else?"

"No. You won't die. You have knack for... surviving."

"What are you talking about?"

"You honestly don't know." stated the man as he raised an eyebrow.

"N-no... What?.. I..." said Ada staggering back a bit.

"You've been alive for far longer than you should've. "

"How... I..." Ada started but she was wrapped in to another memory.

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