Gracelyn's Beginning: I will always protect you

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"Release her," Loki threatens, "Now."

Ospak just lets out a low, menacing laugh, sending chills down Gracelyn's back. Loki takes another step towards them.

"As your prince, I order you to release the lady," Loki commands sharply.

"My apologies, my prince," Ospak says, voice dripping in sarcasm, "But I have matters to attend to with Miss Gracelyn."

"Matters?" Loki raises an eyebrow, "Like what?"

Ospak grins maliciously, "I have a certain vendetta with her father, Stef. It is nothing that concerns you."

"If it has to do with Lady Gracelyn, I believe it does concern me," Loki spits and motions to him with his knife, "Now you will set her free and come with me for your sentence."

Ospak seethes, "I don't think so. I have a job to do."

"So do I," Loki declares with venom in his voice.

Loki starts to walk towards them with a quick, urgent pace.

Ospak responds by swiftly bringing his sword up to Gracelyn's neck. Loki freezes.

"I wouldn't," Ospak warns smugly and shrugs, "I have to kill her anyway, it makes no difference if I do it here or later... and if I do it here- well, I guess I would have to kill you as well. You are a witness after all. It would be a shame to spill royal blood."

"No!" she screams.

Both men look over at her.

"Take me, Ospak," she pleads, "Don't touch Loki. I will do whatever you want! Please!"

He replies, "Well, that would make the job a whole lot easier for me. If the prince decides to stay put, I will do as you say."

Gracelyn looks into Loki's eyes, "Please, Loki. Stay."

"As you wish, Gracelyn. Have fun dying," Loki shrugs and turns away from them.

Her mouth drops open as she watches her best friend walk away. Sure, she had wanted him to stay, but he could have acted at least a little concerned.

"See?" Ospak whispers in her ear, "He did not help you. He wanted to save his own life, so he made the right choice."

"That is just how men are," Ospak strokes her cheek.

Tears well up in her eyes again and she turns her head away from his hand.

"I truly am sorry, Lady," he mutters, "It is a shame that I have to kill you. It's not you. It was your father. He killed my mother and left me for dead at a young age. I found refuge with the frost giants. They told me about the evils of your kind, and I am here to avenge my mother."

"That's very touching, but your breath smells horrendous," Gracelyn smirks.

"Do not mock me, girl!" he hisses, "There will be consequences."

"I am going to die anyway," she shrugs.

"I assure you-" he is cut off by his own scream in pain.

Ospak drops Gracelyn and she scrambles on the ground to get away from him. He is now kneeling on the ground, clutching his stomach. Gracelyn watches in terror as Ospak falls to his side, still shrieking in agony. After a few more seconds his scream gets quieter. A white foam starts to flow from his mouth at a fast pace. His eyes roll back into his head, still open, and he quiets. His body twitches a few times. She breathes hard, staring at the motionless body laying ahead of her.

She doesn't know what else to do but sit there on the ground, gaping.

Frightened, shes barely able to make out a figure emerging from the dark, with a long cape.

Gracelyn scrambles backward on the ground, away from the figure, trying to stand up. The caped person runs towards her and she covers her face with her hands. She feels strong hands clasp her shoulder and she screams.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's me. Gracelyn, it's me," a reassuring voice declares.

She removes her hands from her face and looks up at him. Blue-green eyes bore into hers with urgency. Shoulder-length raven hair surrounds his uneasy face. His eyes dart around her face, upset.

"Loki?" she asks.

"Yeah," he whispers, gripping her shoulders.

"Loki," she chokes and wraps her arms around his neck. His hands move from her shoulders and onto the middle of her back, pulling her onto his lap.

Loki uses magic to brighten the area around them, as if there was a streetlight above them.

Gracelyn buries her face into his neck, breathing in the familiar scent of leather, books, and clove. She closes her eyes tight and clings to the prince.

He rubs her back and whispers softly, "It's alright, Gracelyn. I am here now."

Tears stream down her cheeks, "I- I thought that you left me."

"I would never leave you," he reassures, "I will always protect you."

She sobs, the sound muffled by his neck. He bites his lip and starts to run one of his hands through her short hair.

After a few moments, Gracelyn pulls away and looks at the floor.

Loki hesitantly reaches his hand towards her face. Carefully, his cold fingers brush her hair out of her face. 

When her face stays fixated at the floor, Loki's hand trails down her cheek and softly tips her chin upward. Her dark eyes glance up at the man who is already gazing into them. When their eyes meet, Gracelyn feels a pull in her chest and her stomach flips. His eyes pull her towards him and she has the urge to be closer to the prince.

The moment seems to go on for ages, although in reality it was only a few seconds.

Loki looks away and the connection weakens. She sighs and presses her forehead against his.

"Thank you," she mutters.


A/N: Sorry it took so long.... but I had writers block again. Please forgive me faithful readers!!! The chapter might have been cliché but I tried to describe the connection thing the best I could :/

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