Gracelyn's Beginning: I Will Take Their Place

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Warning! This chapter contains feels!

The three of them finally reach the edge of the forest. After a day of climbing trees, wading through rivers, and walking through the woods, they have finally made it home.

Gracelyn looks out at the city in front of them. It has not changed since they left and that is no surprise, really.

She glances over at the two boys standing next to her. They meet her eyes and they smile at one another.

"To the castle!" she declares.


Gracelyn follows Loki and Thor around the outside of the castle.

"Are you sure that you know where we're going?" she asks.

"For the hundredth time," Loki sighs, "Yes!"

"Okay, Okay," she puts her hands up in surrender, "But you know, usually when people enter into a building, they do so through the front door. We passed that up a awhile ago."

"There's a secret entrance coming up," Loki explains, "If you would wait and be patient---"

"SH!" Thor shushes, "Guards!"

Gracelyn and the two princes crouch down, hiding behind a crate that's conveniently right where they need it. 

"I'm squished," she frowns.

"Well I'm sorry, were you expecting this extremely small crate to magically have miles and miles of room behind it?" Loki replies.

"Shut up Loki," Gracelyn responds.

"If I recall correctly," Loki raises an eyebrow, "You spoke to me first."

"Both of you shut up," Thor growls, "They're coming this way."

Gracelyn and Loki shut their mouths immediately, peeking up and over the crate.

She sees three Asgardian guards, walking their way with their swords out. Her eyes widen and she grabs Thor's arm, burying her face into it, frightened.

"Come out," she hears on of the guards say, "If you do not do as I say, we will slice you to pieces."

"There goes any hope of sneaking back in," Loki mumbles.

Thor stands up, grabbing her arm and bringing her up with him. Loki rises to stand next to them.

"It is I, Prince Thor," Thor says, his back straight, "And you shall not harm us."

"My Prince!" the guard exclaims with wide eyes.

"That's right," Thor smirks.

"I'm so sorry, your majesty, but we must bring you straight to the throne room," one of the other guards says.

"Come with us please," the third guard says.

The three soldiers all turn around and start to walk in the direction they came from.

Gracelyn looks over at Thor, worried. He gives her a reassuring grin and she smiles back. 

She turns her head to look at Loki, whose face is emotionless. She smiles at him as well. He doesn't smile back. Instead, he crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue. Gracelyn giggles at this.

By the time Thor turns see what's so funny, Loki's face is neutral again.


One of the guards opens the door to the throne room, revealing it's extravagant beauty.

The entire room is almost all gold, making it shine. The throne itself is gold as well. And sitting on it is no other than King Odin.

"Boys!" a feminine voice yells.

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